PFM Architecture: Concept and Processes Babu Ram Subedi Handling of Public Purse for Better Results
Essence of PFM.
What is Public Financial Management ? The Concept: Financial management is all about money PFM is concerned with handling of public purse It should serve the interest of the people at large It consist of public accountability Process is crucial in PFM
PFM in Definition " Public management is a process relating to handling of the public money for better results". Achieving results Managing risks Prudence behavior
The PFM Cycle Optimum utilization Planning /Policy Budgeting Accounting, recording and reporting Scrutiny and Audit
Characteristics of PFM Handling of public purse Public Expenditure is the key Public interest maximization Due Process of law :creature of law Public control and Scrutiny: parliamentary control Public accountability: answer to the people A quest for fiscal sustainability Fiduciary risk management
Objectives Aggregate fiscal discipline Efficiency in resource allocation Operational efficiency : Economy Efficiency Effectiveness Due process of law
Principles Public value maximization Parliamentary approval Due process of law Public accountability Prudence Due care: public trustee Principle of fiscal sustainability Independent audit
Nepalese PFM System Constitutional back up Objective of value for money Results orientation Strong parliamentary control provisions Personal responsibility constitutional audit provisions Due process of law
Challenges Political encroachment A culture of sharing public money for personal use Strong legal provisions vs weak implementation Large amount of money outside the budget A compromise over results weak humanbase
PFM Reforms Initiatives Budgetary reforms: MTEF and MTBF Planning reforms :MfDR Treasury Reforms: TSA Accounting System reform :NPSAS Tax reforms: VAT and use of IT in tax administration Donor harmonization practices IT dominance : FMIS/IFMIS PEFA framework Audit reforms
Gaps Gap between institutions and practices Discontinuity of parliament High focus on hardware Growing practice of financial responsibility for dishonests: Distortion of ethical values Severe human resource capacity gap Cosmetic touch of foreign aid ; inefficiency and out drain Results neglected Severe revenue leakage Results and process also overruled in local the bodies/GOEs
Way Forward Simultaneous intervention both in hardware and software Invest on human resources Adherence to the institutions and results Promotion of the ethical standards Scrutiny based on the results C/B analysis of foreign aid Internal capacity enhancement( revenue gen.) Construtive role of parliament
THANK YOU by Babu Ram Subedi Member Secretary PEFA Secretariat, Nepal