NCGE International Entrepreneurship Educators Conference Session A: Where are we now? A Reflection of the UK Paul D. Hannon National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship, UK
3 The Mapping of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Across England
4 Why did we do this? What did we do? How and when? What did we find? What has this achieved? What is next?
5 Why? Huge growth in activity, resource and engagement but no overall picture of scale and scope Unclear connections between concept, purpose, outcomes and practice A lack of coherent and consistent set of data Desire for a better understanding and insight of the student enterprise landscape – who is doing what, where, who with/for and why Particularly to support the development of regional strategies for growing enterprise and entrepreneurship in higher education
6 What? Survey based on an online template: 3 main areas: 1.All credit-bearing enterprise and entrepreneurship provision Current and planned programmes/modules; student profiles and target participants; leading faculty; primary learning outcome 2.All extra-curricula enterprise and entrepreneurship support Provision and engagement across 24 options; target participants; volume/frequency of engagement; leading faculty; funding sources 3.28 Institutional Characteristics
7 How and when? Immense task – diverse sector Personal institutional templates - protected Online data entry direct by specific HEI staff – editable at any time Supported by personal visits by NCGE Directors to key HEI contacts and RDAs; backed up by research team (Aston University; UCE) Started in February 2006; Completed July 2006 Website live in August 2006
8 What did we find? All findings based on self-reported data provided voluntarily by 94% of all HEIs listed in the study – in essence, this is a census survey. See LIVE FEED FROM WEB…………
9 Some Observations from the 2006 NCGE Mapping Study -7% students in enterprise; 1.9m in HEIs in study -Institutional student penetration rates ~1% -~900 programmes/modules currently offered -64% of all provision led by Business Schools; 7-8 times higher than nearest other faculties -Substantial rate of growth in provision, doubling every few years -HEIs will introduce over 1 new provision next year to add to the current average provision of 8 per annum
10 -Twice the level of UG:PG participation -Twice the level of provision in extra:in curricula -Learning Outcome focus on ‘about’ -Lack of targeting in key policy areas: female and ethnic students, social and creative enterprise -Reliance on specific funding sources: HEIF -Lower levels of support for faculty staff development
11 Who/What does this help? Nationally, provides NCGE and Govt with an easily accessible dataset – most accurate and up-to-date data available Regionally, provides RDAs and regional associations with comparable data Institutionally, provides a benchmarking framework Provides a comprehensive evidence base Enables strategic-level discussion and planning
12 What has been achieved? A high level of positive response to the potential and need for the template – has galvanised HEIs A baseline and an experience upon which to build – leading to qualitative assessments of good practice and impact A living dynamic record of provision Strong interest in many areas – govt, RDAs, HEIs Supports an outcomes-led emphasis to development and enables explicit links to practice Future potential for time series analysis – trends, patterns of growth/change; and for extension into other contexts
13 What do we do next? Refine and develop the template and the process – a great start, but can improve New RDA Task Group to action the survey in the regions of England Commitment to regular annual survey Exploit the data to determine actions for change – good practice, professional and institutional development Many opportunities for partner collaboration
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