Kids Business My SideWalks Level C Unit 1, Week 5, Day 1
Objectives Build Concepts: Kid Business Introduce Vocabulary: business, customer, earn, idea, product Word Work: Phonics: Syllables VC/CV with short vowels Read or Listen to a passage: “Earning Money,” p.112
Vocabulary Take out your student reader and turn to page 111. Listen as I read “Words 2 the Wise.”
Vocabulary Kid business can be fun business. How can a kid have a business? You will find out all about it as you read.
Vocabulary This week’s concept is kid business. A business is work that involves selling goods or doing things for people. Selling clothes is a business. Repairing cars is a business. Let me introduce this week’s vocabulary words to you.
Vocabulary business
Vocabulary Business is work done to earn a living; job
Vocabulary customer
Vocabulary Customer is a person who buys things in a store.
Vocabulary earn
Vocabulary Earn is to get money in return for work or service; be paid
Vocabulary idea
Vocabulary An idea is a thought or plan.
Vocabulary product
Vocabulary A product is something that someone makes or grows.
Vocabulary Lets read the vocabulary words together.
Vocabulary business
Vocabulary customer
Vocabulary earn
Vocabulary idea
Vocabulary product
Word Work bat and tin You already can read words like these. What are the words? What is the vowel sound in bat? Tin? These words have one syllable. Now you will learn about vowel sounds in words with more than one syllable.
Word Work lesson If a word has two consonants in the middle, divide between them to find the syllable. les-son Then try the short vowel sound in the first syllable. What is the short “e” sound? This is how I blend this syllable: /l/-/e/-/s/, les. Then I blend this syllable and the second syllable to read the whole word: /l/-/e/-/s/ -- /s/-/o/-/n/, lesson.
Word Work What me blend tunneling.
Word Work tun-nel-ing /t/-/u/-/n/, tun /n/-/e/-/l/, nel /n/-/g/, ing tunneling
Word Work Take out your white boards and let’s try the dividing words into syllables and blending the syllables together to say the word.
Word Work rabbit
Word Work rab-bit
Word Work zigzag
Word Work zig-zag
Word Work cactus
Word Work cac-tus
Word Work connected
Word Work con-nect-ed
Word Work intending
Word Work in-tend-ing
Word Work basket
Word Work bas-ket
Word Work fossil
Word Work fos-sil
Word Work Now it your turn to blend and say each word. Ready, Set, Go!
Word Work attic
Word Work dentist
Word Work cabbage
Word Work traffic
Word Work admitted
Word Work insect
Word Work success
Word Work mammal
Word Work napkin
Word Work velvet
Word Work blossoming
Word Work Sort Words until, traded, infect, dated, unless, glided, kitten
Listen or Read a Passage The title of the passage you will be listening to today is “ Earning Money.”
Read a Passage In “Earning Money,” you will notice proper nouns? What is a noun? What do you think proper nouns are? A proper noun takes the place of a noun uses words like she, he, him, is, it, and they.
Read a Passage Take out your student reader and turn to page 112. What is the boy doing? Look on page 113. What is happening in this picture? Look on page 114. What is the girl holding? Do you think customers would buy this product? Look on page 115. What business might this boy have? Now, let read to find out about some kid businesses.
Read a Passage Listen closely to the passage. We will answer a few questions to monitor our comprehension. Let’s begin.
Read a Passage What examples of kid businesses are given in the passage? Whose business takes place only in the winter? Only in the summer? All year long? Why?
Read a Passage What idea did Eric have for a business? Who sells a product? How does Sam earn cash? Who was one of Shannon’s customers?
Tomorrow’s Objectives Word Work: Phonics: Syllable VC/CV with long vowels CVCe in second syllable. Review Vocabulary Comprehension Strategy: Drawing Conclusion Read or Listen to a Passage: “Biz Kids,” p.116