© 2006 SOUTH-WESTERN EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING 11th Edition Hulbert & Miller Effective English for Colleges Chapter 1 NOUNS
Effective English for Colleges, 11e, by Hulbert & Miller Chapter 1, Slide 2 Learning Objectives To form the plurals of nouns To form the possessive case of nouns To identify various kinds of nouns To explain the uses of nouns 11 To recognize nouns
Effective English for Colleges, 11e, by Hulbert & Miller Chapter 1, Slide 3 Nouns and Noun Plurals A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing. Things named by nouns include objects, concepts, events, organizations, plants, animals, and fields of study. Any word that can be combined with the to form a unit is a noun. Most words that have a plural form for referring to two or more items are nouns. Thirteen rules guide the forming of noun plurals. Refer to CHECKPOINT 1 through 5.
Effective English for Colleges, 11e, by Hulbert & Miller Chapter 1, Slide 4 Possessive Case Nouns Show Ownership FORMING SINGULAR POSSESSIVE CASE FORMING PLURAL POSSESSIVE CASE Add an apostrophe and -s If the possessive case of a noun of more than one syllable that ends in –s is difficult to pronounce, add the apostrophe without the -s An of-phrase may be preferable Refer to CHECKPOINTS 6 through 12. For plural nouns not ending in –s or –es, add an apostrophe and -s Add an apostrophe after the –s or –es... or use an of-phrase
Effective English for Colleges, 11e, by Hulbert & Miller Chapter 1, Slide 5 Possessive Case Nouns Show Ownership FORMING PLURAL POSSESSIVE CASE FORMING SINGULAR POSSESSIVE CASE SPECIAL RULES Before nouns ending in –ing Before nouns ending in –ing In compound nouns with or without hyphens In compound nouns with or without hyphens In organizational names In organizational names In joint and separate ownership In joint and separate ownership With inanimate nouns With inanimate nouns SPECIAL RULES Before nouns ending in –ing Before nouns ending in –ing In compound nouns with or without hyphens In compound nouns with or without hyphens In organizational names In organizational names In joint and separate ownership In joint and separate ownership With inanimate nouns With inanimate nouns Refer to CHECKPOINT 13. Refer to APPLICATIONS 1-2 through 1-4.
Effective English for Colleges, 11e, by Hulbert & Miller Chapter 1, Slide 6 Kinds of Nouns Refer to CHECKPOINTS 14 through 18. Refer to APPLICATIONS 1-5 and 1-6. ABSTRACT —names concepts, qualities, and conditions COMMON— names given to persons, places, and things that have common characteristics CONCRETE —names any object or event that can be directly perceived PROPER— names of particular persons, places, and things COLLECTIVE —names a group
Effective English for Colleges, 11e, by Hulbert & Miller Chapter 1, Slide 7 Uses of Nouns 1.Nouns as subjects 2.Nouns as direct objects 3.Nouns as indirect objects 4.Nouns as predicate nouns 5.Nouns as objects of prepositions Refer to CHECKPOINT 19.
Effective English for Colleges, 11e, by Hulbert & Miller Chapter 1, Slide 8 Uses of Nouns 6.Nouns as appositives 7.Nouns in direct address 8.Nouns as adjectives 9.Nouns as possessive modifiers 10.Nouns as adverbs Refer to CHECKPOINT 20. Refer to APPLICATION 1-7. Refer to Chapter 1 REVIEW. Refer to APPLY YOUR KNOWLEDGE.