Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Romans 3:21 - 5:21 Righteousness is Apart from the Law Abraham Illustrates the Point Justification for All through Christ
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Remember before we begin: >The Theme of the Book is: Salvation is afforded to All through God’s power to save by the Gospel. >The Main Points thus far established: -Gentiles under condemnation, chp.1 -Jews under condemnation, chp.2 -All therefore under condemnation,3:1-21 Thus the need of Divine Righteousness!
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Having now established the Need of Divine Righteousness, Paul begins to show how Divine Righteousness: >Was not Manifested through the Law, >Was Manifested by Faith, and >Was Manifested through Jesus Christ!
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Chapter 4 is the illustration of the principle that Divine Righteousness (& therefore Justification) is accomplished separate from the Law. Example used? Father Abraham! Also note: Jews & Gentiles believed in “works” salvation: Jews > the Law Gentiles > Idolatry!
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Here’s how Chapter 4 illustrates the principle of Divine Righteousness is accomplished separate from the Law: 1. Abraham’s justification was apart from Works, vv.1-8 >This completely contradicted the Jewish notion of salvation by works of the Law, >But also contradicted the Gentile notion that salvation by works of Idolatry (of creation verses the Creator ), cf.1:23!
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Here’s how Chapter 4 illustrates the principle of Divine Righteousness is accomplished separate from the Law: 2. Abraham’s justification was apart from Circumcision, vv.9-12 >Major blow to the Jewish concept of salvation being dependant upon circumcision as a sign of God’s elect, cf. Gen.17:10-14, >But also released the Gentiles from having to first become Jews by circumcision before coming to Christ, Gal.5:1-6!
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Here’s how Chapter 4 illustrates the principle of Divine Righteousness is accomplished separate from the Law: 3. Abraham’s justification was apart from the Law, vv The point, previously made, is in these verses further being exemplified. 4. Abraham’s justification was therefore inescapably “by faith” v.16! Note, “all descendants”- not just those of the Law but also those of the faith of Abraham- father of all!
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness So, if All are freed from Works Salvation, -Jews from the Law, and -Gentiles from Idolatry, Then how is Divine Righteousness/Justification by Faith to be accomplished? Chapter 5: Justification for All by Faith through Jesus Christ.
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Chapter 5: Justification for All by Faith through Jesus Christ. Here’s the explanation: -Justification now has been manifested as not being through the Law. -From where would it then come? -Obviously, from faith in Jesus Christ. But how? vv.1-2 Faith introduces ( provides access, KJV) into God’s Grace!
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Chapter 5: Justification for All by Faith through Jesus Christ. This combination of Man’s Faith and God’s Grace results in Exultation, or Glory: >in Hope, v.2 and >in Tribulation, vv.3-4 This hope does not disappoint because of its foundation. The: >manifestation of God’s love in hearts through the Spirit, v.5; and the >manifestation of God’s love through Christ’s sacrifice for us, vv.6-9.
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Chapter 5: Justification for All by Faith through Jesus Christ. Therefore, -if we were reconciled while enemies by the death of Jesus, -how much more shall we be saved by His life! That is, we exult or glory through Him by whom we have been reconciled and now stand complete! vv Vv illustrates the overall theme of salvation to all > Jesus Christ by comparison with the entering of sin by Adam.
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness So if sin entered by Adam but resulted in Grace, Salvation & Justification through Jesus, Why not sin more to get more grace? 6:1 “May it never be!” v.2a So, Chapter 6: Putting off the Old Man of Sin.
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness Chapter 6: Putting off the Old Man of Sin. “If we sin more, will God’s grace abound even more?” No, because in Christ, we are dead to sin, vv.1-2 How then do we become dead to sin? -by baptism into His death, v.3 -by baptism into death and walking in newness of life, v.4 -by crucifying our old self by baptism and thereby gaining freedom, vv by making yourself dead to sin but alive to God by refusing to be mastered by sin, vv
Romans #3, The Manifestation of Divine Righteousness In these ways, God’s Divine Righteousness was/is Manifested: >Not by (and apart from) Works, Circumcision, and The Law- chp.4 >By Faith & Grace, 4:16 >Through Jesus Christ, chp.5 & >By our becoming dead to sin, chp.6. Is it manifested in your life by: baptism into Christ and becoming dead to sin?