Textbook pages 2-21
60 second free-write: How do you know God exists? How do you know things about God? Desire for God is implanted in our hearts ◦ Nothing else fully satisfies us Reason/intellect ◦ Creator, “First Cause”, “Supreme Being”, “Grand Designer” Divine Revelation ◦ Revelation = “unveiling” ◦ Definition: God’s self-communication whereby God makes known the mystery of the divine plan.
Catholics believe divine revelation comes through two sources: ◦ 1. SACRED SCRIPTURE Definition: The written record of salvation that teaches what is necessary for our salvation. ◦ 2. SACRED TRADITION Definition: The living transmission of the message of the Gospel in the Church.
“Tradition” comes from a word meaning “handed on” Sacred Tradition began with what Jesus handed on to the Apostles Today we find Sacred Tradition in the Church’s teaching, life, and worship ◦ The MAGISTERIUM interprets and explains Sacred Tradition Definition: the official teaching authority of the Church that resides in the pope & the bishops
Sacred Tradition passes on the story of SALVATION HISTORY ◦ Definition: The story of God’s saving activity in human history God’s love covenants with humanity Abraham, Israel, Messiah Climax of Salvation History = coming of Jesus ◦ In your small group write the story of salvation history in 50 words or less!
The fullness of divine revelation took place in the INCARNATION ◦ Definition: A core Christian teaching (dogma) that the Son of God took on human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ Jesus is fully God AND fully human Prologue of John’s Gospel (1:1-14) ◦ What image is used for Jesus? ◦ What characteristics of Jesus are emphasized? ◦ Copy down the verse that best supports the dogma of the Incarnation
Early heresy (false teaching) of Docetism said Jesus only seemed to be human Problem with this perspective: ◦ If Jesus only seemed to be human, then he only seemed to die and resurrect ◦ Jesus’ death & resurrection brought about our salvation; if he didn’t really die & rise, then we aren’t really saved. Christian teaching is that Jesus was really human and really God
God becoming human heals the relationship between God and humans Jesus revealed God’s love to us Jesus is the perfect model of holiness God becoming human helps humans share in God’s nature
List the names of 3 people who taught you something about Jesus and what they taught you about him. Name of PersonWhat they taught you about Jesus
A. Historical Jesus ◦ All can agree that Jesus was an actual historical person 1. Basic facts about this historical person: - “last names” (3): - religion: - birthplace: - year of birth: - mother: - hometown: - occupation:
A. Historical Jesus (continued) 2. Jesus’ Public Ministry - Date * ~28 C.E. - Message * Repentance, Coming of Kingdom of God - Works * Healing, Feeding, Teaching
A. Historical Jesus (continued) 2. Jesus’ Public Ministry (continued) - Reactions * Positive: disciples followed him and lived out his teachings * Negative: some thought Jesus was crazy, some were threatened or angered by his actions - Death * Arrested, tried, crucified by authorities (religious and political)
B. Jesus as the Son of God ◦ What do Christians believe about Jesus that others would not believe about him? He rose from the dead (Resurrection) He is God He sends the Holy Spirit to his followers ◦ In order to believe these things we must have FAITH Faith is a gift from God
C. Personal Relationship with Jesus ◦ How do you connect with Jesus? Scripture Sacraments Prayer In other people
D. Names & Titles for Jesus ◦ 1. JESUS Common name in the 1 st century Means “Yahweh saves”
D. Names & Titles for Jesus (continued) ◦ 2. CHRIST Greek = Christos; Hebrew = Messiah Means “anointed” God promised the Israelites he would send a Messiah to rescue them. They expected: Someone from the line of David Political ruler Military leader
D. Names & Titles for Jesus (continued) ◦ 3. SON OF GOD Christian use of this title recognizes Jesus as the one who shares God’s divine nature Used differently in Hebrew Scripture: referred to those who had a special relationship with God Jesus’ miracles, words, and Resurrection reveal that he is the unique Son of God
D. Names & Titles for Jesus (continued) ◦ 4. LORD Commonly used in 1 st century to address a powerful person Believers use this title differently to show that Jesus is God LORD = substitute for divine name Yahweh
How Do We Know Jesus? D. Names & Titles for Jesus (continued) 5. PRIEST o Mediator between God and humanity o Offered sacrifice for the sake of his people 6. PROPHET o Spoke God’s message o Taught a message of salvation through his words and deeds 7. KING o Ruler of the universe o Rules with gentleness, compassion, and love