1 Peter 4:7-11 (NKJV) 7 But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. 8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.” 9 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. 10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God
1 Peter 4:7-11 (NKJV) 11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Conduct Of A Christian I Peter 4:7-11
Conduct Of A Christian We know that obtaining salvation is a very important step in this life We also realize that what is just as important is how we live the rest of our lives after that point Thankfully, the Bible is full of teaching and examples of daily living
Conduct Of A Christian Certainly our conduct is something we should always be conscience of It has an impact on our lives as well as the lives of those around us In I Peter 4, Peter gives us a lesson on some things we ought to be doing as Christians
Conduct Of A Christian 1. Be serious and watchful in prayer (v. 7) ▫Peter says the end of all things is at hand ▫Could have been referring to the destruction of Jerusalem, end of Levitical priesthood, etc. ▫Could also refer to a general sense (II Pet. 3:10-12)
Conduct Of A Christian 1. Be serious and watchful in prayer (v. 7) ▫It ought to cause us to be serious or sober (in the right mind) ▫Serious thinking can really be of great benefit in this life (Ecc. 7:2-3) ▫We also should be watchful in our prayers
Conduct Of A Christian 1. Be serious and watchful in prayer (v. 7) ▫Remember, if you are watchful then that usually indicates that you are also ready ▫God wants us to find ourselves in a constant state of readiness ▫Prayer comes natural when people think the end is near
Conduct Of A Christian 2. Love one another fervently (v. 8) ▫This is an intense love that is without ceasing ▫We have been taught on so many pages of the Bible that we are to love everyone, from the sinner to the saint, from our friends to our enemies ▫“love will cover a multitude of sins”
Conduct Of A Christian 2. Love one another fervently (v. 8) ▫True love for others will help us to overlook their faults as opposed to magnifying them ▫True love will help us to focus on the good qualities and work with people rather than writing them off for the bad that they may have done
Conduct Of A Christian 3. Be hospitable without grumbling (v. 9) ▫Hospitality = fond of guests ▫Many times we think of this as meaning to invite someone into our homes ▫The real meaning is to share with those around us (Lk. 16 – Rich Man and Lazarus)
Conduct Of A Christian 3. Be hospitable without grumbling (v. 9) ▫There are guests that come into our church building as well (Js. 2:1-13) ▫Matt 25:35-46 ▫What we do for others should be done without grumbling, with a cheerful attitude
Conduct Of A Christian 4. Use your talents (v. 10) ▫We have all been blessed with certain talents or abilities ▫Those talents are not given to us so that we may sit on them ▫They are to be used for the good of those around us in this life (Matt. 25:14-30)
Conduct Of A Christian 5. Let God direct all that we do (v. 11) ▫If we are going to speak, let us be sure that we are speaking exactly what God has told us to speak ▫We do not speak of our own authority, but from the authority of God ▫We should take seriously the task of teaching others
Conduct Of A Christian 5. Let God direct all that we do (v. 11) ▫The purpose for all these things is that God may be glorified ▫We do not do things for our own glory or praise, for if we do, then we will have our reward (Matt. 6:2) ▫Col. 3:17, 23