Israel The most environmentally efficient country in the world By Joey Zimmerman And Sean Devlieger
Israel Economic System Market Economy, Very technologically advance Most of the countries in Europe
Economic Cycle Prosperity Vast range of Industries, 5.5% unemployment, growth in inflation, small trade deficit, relatively low amount of debt Multiple wars, military has to always be on alert, bombings Disrupt infrastructure, Causes the government to put more money into rebuilding rather than expanding what they already have
Economic Measurements Inflation: 4.6%, unemployment: 6.1%, GDP(sectors) agriculture: 2.6%, Industry: 32.4%, Services: 65% Debt: $86.08 billion, Import: $64 billion, Export $57 billion On going conflicts with other middle eastern countries
International Trade Exports: $57 billion a year: machinery and equipment, software, cut diamonds, agricultural products, chemicals, textiles and apparel Partners in Exports: US 32.5%, Belgium 7.5%, Hong Kong 6.7% (2008) Imports: $64 billion per year: raw materials, military equipment, investment goods, rough diamonds, fuels, grain, consumer goods Partners in Imports: US 12.3%, Belgium 6.5%, China 6.5%, Switzerland 6.1%, Germany 6% (2008)
International Trade No trading issues...
Marketing Strategy Majority of the current market in Israel deals with technology and medical supplies. We will produce diagnostic machinery and other medical items Exported to countries like the U.S. Belgium and Hong Kong as well as being sold to hospitals throughout Israel
Recommendation Israel is a target because they have the 24 th largest economy in the world. They have the highest standard of living in the middle east. Constant victim of terrorist bombings, and threats.