Completing the Bracelet Graduating Portfolio Presentation By Anna Matchneva
Autism Awareness Bracelet
Beginning the Process Introduction to Autism Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Introduction to UBC: M.Ed in Special Education, with concentration in Autism / Developmental Disabilities
Bracelet Pattern: Goals Initial Goals Expanded Goals Effective Instructional Interventions Collaboration Functional Assessment (FA) and Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
Awareness Functional Assessment and Positive Behavior Support in School and Community Settings (EPSE 433, EPSE 565G) “ Positive behavior support interventions focus on important, durable, generalized outcomes that a) reduce the full range of problem behaviors that form social or educational barriers for an individual, b) increase adaptive skills, and c) improve basic educational, social, employment, and living options. Positive behavior support interventions emphasize the redesign of environments (e.g., classrooms, homes, workplaces) to produce broad changes that affect how person lives in addition to how he/she behaves.” (Horner, Albin, Sprague, and Todd, 2000) Lesson Learned: Goodness of Fit Application: My Everyday Work as a Behavior Analyst
Support Collaborative Work with Parents and Professionals (EPSE 506, EPSE 512, EPSE 514) Lesson Learned: Effective Practitioner? Effective Teacher? Instruction via lectures and workshops is minimally effective in the absence of interactive training (McClannahan & Krantz, 1993) Application: Parents and Professionals Training Seminars
Commitment Best Practices (EPSE 549) …We can optimize research and practice by reminding ourselves not to put all of our "eggs" (i.e., resources, hopes) in any single procedural basket. People with autism, like all of us, must learn to learn in a variety of ways: from direct instruction; from incidental teaching; from television, videotape, and computer; from parents, teachers, peers, and employers; and from pictorial, auditory, and textual cues. There are various intervention procedures, all firmly grounded in science, that accomplish these different but equally important objectives. The most important aspect of these procedures is their scientific underpinnings. The challenges are to support and promote intervention efforts that reflect the array of contemporary, empirical based procedures and to teach discrimination among scientific and unscientific approaches to treatment. (Krantz, 2000) Lesson Learned: Fairy Land Conclusion Application: Group Applied Behavior Analysis Program (GABA) Centre-based program for children with Autism
Diversity Effective Interventions (EPSE 449, EPSE 513) Lesson Learned: Simply Good Teaching The Legacy of Marc Gold: People learn because teachers teach. If people aren't learning, teachers need to "Try Another Way" Application: Hand in Hand Play and Social Skills Group for Children with Autism/DD
Finding the Lock: Philosophy Philosophy of Teaching I believe… That each day we are all both teachers and learners. In involving students in the process of their own learning. In focusing on individual needs and respecting different learning styles and abilities. As a teacher I see myself as a facilitator of learning and it is my responsibility to create and maintain a learning environment where students are valued, motivated, encouraged, and supported for the most meaningful learning to take place. In order to effect learning in children's lives, we must be informed and competent to make changes and strive for improving our own skills through continuing education and development.
Finding the Lock: Philosophy Philosophy of Teaching Children with Autism / DD I believe… Children with autism are not learning disabled, they are teaching challenges. Children with autism and other developmental disabilities have a right to an effective and individualized treatment to meet their unique needs. Fitting the instruction techniques and curriculum to the child, rather than trying to fit the child into the techniques and curriculum can achieve the best outcome. The basis for effective intervention is the use of empirical data-based methods that permit objective evaluation of outcomes.
Inspiration & Guide Translating the Covenant: Behavior Analyst as Ambassador & Translator by Dr. Foxx “…be willing to consider alternative views and support diversity, be selective in regard to being confident, assertive, and emphasizing your own accomplishments; when giving an opinion, try to blend it rather than inject it; and keep it simple because behavioral jargon may confuse the audience”
Future Direction Everyday work as Behavior Analyst… Ambassador and Translator New direction: Cognitive psychology Parenthood
Acknowledgements Dr. Pat Mirenda dedicated advisor, simply good teaching Dr. Joe Lucyshyn collaboration, goodness of fit Dr. Elizabeth Jordan expanding horizons, future direction Class peers: sharing knowledge and experience, expanding views Family: support
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