1 - Training Function and Service Consolidation 2 - Centralized P-Card vendor 3 - Specialized Banking Services Level of Service Potential Improved LOSSame LOSImproved LOS Cost Containment More than $100,000 but less than $500,000 Implementation Timeframe Midyear FY12Midyear FY11Midyear FY12 Level of Work Required SignificantMinimalSignificant Implementation Cost Yes: TBDNoYes: TBD Inter-Agency Coordination Inter Agency Training Group and HR departments of all County agencies. Coordination among HOC, MNCPPC, and MCG Additional coordination with Agency Finance staff is required. Dissenting Members None MCPS and Montgomery College do not oppose the project, but have existing contractual obligations that prevent their participation. None CARS Administrative Subcommittee Update 9/22/2010 Summary of Quarterly Report 1 Recommendations Joe Beach - MCG (240) Subcommittee Chair
4 - Centralize Employee Background Investigations 5 - Consolidate Agency Security Patrols Level of Service Potential Same LOS Cost Containment More than $100,000 but less than $500,000 Less than $100,000 Implementation Timeframe FY12 Level of Work Required Significant Implementation Cost No Yes: To be determined, but may include uniforms, equipment, supplies, etc. Inter-Agency Coordination Coordination among the HR departments of all County agencies (excluding MCPS). MCPD and MCPS Security Offices with agency HR, Budget and Finance staff. Dissenting Members None CARS Administrative Subcommittee Update 9/22/2010 Summary of Quarterly Report 1 Recommendations Joe Beach (240) Subcommittee Chair
Post FY12 Ideas/Target Opportunities 1.Centralize administration of specific functions: e.g. Payroll; Benefits; W2 Notification; banking services, Payments, etc. 2.Have reciprocal agreements with Montgomery County agencies to allow easier transfer and recruitment of employees (e.g. existing arrangement between MCG and the MC Circuit Court). 3.Centralize &/or explore contracting opportunities for alcohol and drug testing programs CARS Administrative Subcommittee Update 9/22/2010 Summary of Quarterly Report 1 Recommendations Joe Beach (240) Subcommittee Chair