Page 1 The Passive A-band Wind Sounder (PAWS) for Measurement of Tropospheric Winds Brian R. Johnson (CO- I), Shane Roark (PI), Pei Huang, Grzegorz Miecznik, Ron Schwiesow and Phil Slaymaker Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp 1600 Commerce Street, Boulder, CO, USA address:
Page 2 Introduction PAWS is a passive optical technique for measuring winds in the troposphere and lower stratosphere (~0 to 20km) Interferometer concept based on WINDII approach ─ Doppler Michelson Interferometer (DMI) measurement of upper atmospheric winds Extending the DMI technique to measuring of tropospheric winds is challenging ─ Observing absorption feature in presence of large background flux reduces sensitivity of interferogram to wind signal (higher SNR is required) ─ Pressure dependence of line shape and position ─ Aerosols, clouds and gradients in horizontal winds further limit sensitivity in lowest altitudes near surface
Page 3 PAWS measurement objectives Applications of PAWS winds measurements: ─ mid and upper tropospheric chemical transport studies ─ UT/LS exchange studies ─ Augment current wind measurements Advantages of an passive optical technique for winds: ─ Compact, less complex instrument than active system ─ Augment DWL coverage but perhaps with reduced precision and accuracy ─ Accommodates a range of spacecraft altitudes (e.g km) with out suffer inverse square law loss in SNR ─ Unnecessary to scan a large aperture to retrieval vertical distribution of winds
Page 4 Heritage for Space-Based Passive Wind Measurements Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) Wind Imaging Interferometer (WINDII) ― September 1991 to December 2005 High-Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) ― September 1991 to April 1995 WINDIIHRDIPAWS Vertical Coverage80 – 300 km10 – 115 km0 – 20 km Vertical Interval2 km2.5 km1 km Horiz. Cell Size140 km500 km250 km Spectral SignalEmissionAbsorption Target SpeciesO and OHO 2 B and γ BandsO 2 A-Band SpectrometerImaging MichelsonTriple Fabry-PerotImaging Michelson Meas. ApproachLarge OPD, scan across one period Gimbal telescope Angle/gap scan OPD scan mirror (WINDII) or tilted mirror Accuracy~ 5 to 10 m/s ~ 5 to 10 m/s (goal)
Page 5 Measurement Goals
Page 6 PAWS Measurement Approach Measure Doppler shift of well isolated O 2 absorption line with a Michelson interferometer Vertical distribution obtained by imaging limb over a range of altitudes from surface to ~20km Limb view enables high (~1 km) vertical resolution However, resolving horizontal variations in winds on scales smaller than ~ 250km is difficult Forward FOV flight direction 45° Aft FOV Spacecraft position (view 1) ~2000 km Spacecraft position (view 2) 45° Two orthogonal views to resolve horizontal wind vectors from LOS winds
Page 7 Oxygen A-Band Spectrum Hays (1982) suggested using molecular oxygen for measuring winds O 2 is uniformity mixed Lines in a clear region of the atmospheric spectrum Lines are sharp and well resolved Wide range of line strength is available to optimize SNR A-band wavelength region is compatible with technology for high spectral resolution R-branch P-branch cm -1 Oxygen A-Band Transmission for Vertical Trajectory Toward Zenith
Page 8 Limb Scattering Geometry Single-scattering RT model is adequate to simulate the Doppler perturbations in the observed limb spectrum (Hays and Abreu, 1989) Light scattered by the atmosphere comes directly from incident sunlight or sunlight reflected from the ground Sunlight is absorbed by O 2 along the incident and scattered direction Both molecular scattering and aerosol scattering must be considered a) b) observer c) ground Solar flux Scattering volume z h Limb scattering of sunlight
Page 9 Vertical Weighting Functions LOS wind determined for each vertical pixel represents a weighted average wind along the limb path The vertical distribution of LOS winds must then be recovered by accounting for the path weighted values An optimal estimation approach is being considered for recover vertical winds Ortland et al. have used sequential estimation for deriving HRDI winds
Page 10 Doppler Michelson Interferometer Light is collected by an optical telescope (M1), collimated (M2) and passed through a nearly fixed path Michelson interferometer. A narrow filter (B) combined with a Fabry Perot etalon (FP) are used to isolate a single absorption line. A small tilt in one of the interferometer mirrors produces a spatial distribution of interference The interference pattern for each altitude position along the atmospheric column is simultaneously imaged onto a 2-D detector array by a cylindrical lens Atmospheric Column Detector array Tilted mirror 22 BFP L1 Michelson interferometer Fixed mirror telescope & collimator M1 M2 0 km 20 km altitude Tilted mirror produces a spatial distribution of interference which is imaged onto 2-D detector
Page 11 Interferogram Small spectral shift can be measured using a Michelson interferometer by examining the phase shift in the nearly sinusoidal interferogram signal Only a small portion of the interferogram is recorded A large OPD improves sensitivity to phase Absorption line significantly reduces fringe contrast as compared with emission line High SNR required to resolve small shifts for low fringe visibility Interferogram for absorption line Interferogram Spectral shift Phase shift
Page 12 Technology Development Objective: Demonstrate an instrument concept for passive measurement of troposphere wind profiles from low- earth orbit Interferometer being developed under the NASA IIP Progress ─ Breadboard built ─ May 07: Atmospheric test complete ─ Nov 07: Engineering model design complete ─ May 08: Engineering model construction complete ─ Nov 08: Engineering model demonstration complete Airborne Demonstration of winds Airborne Demonstration Ground based testing Space Mission
Page 13 Summary PAWS is a Doppler Michelson interferometer technique being developed to measure winds in the troposphere and lower stratosphere PAWS will provide wind data to address: ─ mid and upper tropospheric chemical transport studies including UT/LS exchange ─ Augment current wind measurements over data sparse regions (e.g. over oceans and southern hemisphere) Interferometer technology being developed under NASA IIP A ground-based demonstrate of measurement technique performed later this year Airborne demonstration in late 2008/early 2009.