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We are here I went to college here
2 year colleges › Examples : East LA College, Pasadena Community College, Mt. SAC 4 year colleges › Examples : UCLA, USC, Cal State LA, UC Berkeley, Harvard, Princeton, Ohio State University, etc.
PublicPrivate Created & owned by the government Not owned by the government Secular (i.e. non religious) institutions Some (but not all) are related to specific religious groups Tend to be “newer” schools (UC Merced – 2010, UC Irvine – 1969) Oldest colleges & universities in U.S. are private (Harvard, Yale)
Associate’s Degree 2 year college Bachelor’s Degree 4 year college › B.A. – Bachelor of Arts › B.S. – Bachelor of Sciences Graduate Degree after 4 year college › Ph.D. – Doctor of Philosophy › M.D. – Doctor of Medicine › J.D. – Doctor of Justice
High school diploma or G.E.D. SAT or ACT test results (depending on the college/university you want to go to) Good GPA (Grade Point Average) › 4.0 = “A” average › 3.0 = “B” average › 2.0 = “C” average (this is usually the minimum requirement to get into college) › Less than 2.0 = might need to work harder…
Most people take the ACT here. Most people take the SAT here.
Word, Idea, or Question Definition, Meaning, or Answer SAT ACT Admission Rate Definition, Meaning, or Answer -Standardized test used for college admissions - 3 sections : math, verbal, & writing -Standardized test used for college admissions -Competes with SAT -Percentage of applicants a college accepts
Word, Idea, or Question Definition, Meaning, or Answer TuitionMoney paid to attend college Financial AidMoney to help students pay for college (loans, scholarships, etc.) DemographicsBreakdown of a group of people (e.g. boys/girls, race, ethnicity, economic status, etc.)
Statistics for different colleges › Research & read reviews about colleges › College Board – registering for SATs & getting ready for college ›