IT’S OUR L.A. KEEP IT CLEAN California Integrated Waste Management Board June 12, 2007 Presented by: Councilmember Ed Reyes City of Los Angeles LA River Plastics Initiative
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN Water quality mandates River revitalization 70 % diversion of solid waste by 2015 Greener LA City Council and Mayor Public more aware of environment Litter management costs History : Drivers
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN Background In 2004, City council instructed City staff to meet with industry to address litter issues on river Plastic Industry Task Force consisted of industry, environmental advocacy groups, and City staff Plastic Industry Task Force, over two year period, reached consensus on four recommendations in taskforce report
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN Task Force Report Overview Foundation (Clean Rivers LA) will raise private-sector funds for river/ community needs Establish uniform City-wide public education message, leveraging public and private sector Anti-litter program in trash “hot spots” Foster market development for plastic film
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN City Timeline City Council approved task force report in Sept 2005 Development of public education program began by industry partners (pro bono) Initial concepts -- input received from City family Campaign presented to LA River Ad Hoc Committee in March’06(approved)
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN Next Steps - Program Launch Clean Rivers LA Foundation to be launched in ’07 Plastic bag recycling pilot program: “ It’s Our LA, Keep it Clean” The press event will take place on June 28, 2007 In partnership with grocers, manufacturers, distributors and environmental groups:
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN City’s Program The City will work first with grocers The City will offer curbside assistance and the Los Angeles conservation Corp pick- up assistance to at least stores The City in collaboration with the Progressive Bag Alliance, worked on a LA plastic bag toolkit: posters, signage, and downloadable press info
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN Other Features In the first year, the City’s program will focus on designated “ high trash areas” Stores that do not meet the criteria of AB 2449 can join the City’s program on a voluntary basis Starting in Mid- June, stores and the public will have access to a website and downloadable materials - City will provide members with a front door decal for program identification
: Creative City Program Toolkit:
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN Creative Material Recycling Toolkit Outdoor Billboard/Bus creative--- future opportunities
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN Website- Website tentatively online mid- June 2007 Will have links to downloadable materials for voluntary stores Have a list of the stores that are participating in the city’s program A City of Los Angeles high trash area map and zip codes Links that include: - A Take Action! For the public - Links to Plastic Recycling Programs
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN Partners in Action Friends of the Los Angeles River Los Angeles Audubon Society Friends of The Ballona Wetlands Santa Monica Baykeeper ( invited) Ballona Creek Renaissance LA Conservation Corps Green Ambassadors Progressive Bag Alliance Unified Western Grocers Southern California Grocers Association
IT’S OUR L.A! KEEP IT CLEAN (213) Plastic Bag Recycling Program