Harry Kucharczyk
Need $438 Million spent on annual boating fuel (Lipton 95) 99.8% of goods are transported by ships Carbon Dioxide emissions continue to rise
Knowledge Base Bulbous Bow o Reduces shock wave o Decrease in friction drag
Knowledge Base Micro Bubbles Inserted in the boundary layer Decreased viscosity and density of the fluid
Literature Review McCormick and Bhattchara (73)- injected hydrogen micro bubbles into the turbulent boundary layer Madavan (84)- location and distribution of bubbles are essential Kato (94)- determined reduced skin friction drag by 80% through the use of micro bubbles Kodama (00)- performed experiments in a water tunnel with microbubbles generated in an air injection chamber by injecting air through a porous plate
Do Ability Water Tunnel is accessible in the lab Boat has already been constructed Bulbous bow can easily be inserted into the boat Microbubbles can be made through a simple fish tank bubbler
Purpose Examine the skin friction drag reduction with the use of active and passive flow control
Bibliography Lipton, Douglas W., and Scott Miller. "Recreational Boating in Maryland: An Economic Impact Study, " 6 Mar Maryland Marine Trades Conference