BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Leveraging the EBC… to support your Business Development efforts presented by Hollis R. Chase Environmental Business Council New Member Orientation Hosted by Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP October 10, 2007
PLANNING… The key to successfully leveraging a business development opportunity What are your objectives? What are your expectations and potential outcomes? Who is your target market? Who do you need to meet? Who are the key referral sources? How does your membership fit into your Firm’s business development strategy?
SALES … Business Development Process 1.Pre approach ….getting organized 2.Approach ….meeting the market 3.Qualify Assess ….listening & gathering info 4.Strategize ….determining objectives 5.Address Needs/Present …. handling objections 6.Obtain the engagement ….closing
BEST PRACTICES Utilizing your EBC resources Develop your personal plan to leverage the EBC! Be an active participant Learn what resources are available – Get to know them – Learn about their roles and how you can help each other Be consistent Do not always have an “agenda” when you participate Give it time– have patience- it’s not magic
Using the benefits to “YOUR BENEFIT” Chair a Committee Join a committee – Attend and participate Sponsor an event – Leverage by attending- get buy in from others in your Firm Be part of a panel Incorporate your resources in the association’s activities – Clients – Prospects – Referral sources
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT …making the connections Quality vs. quantity – Be selective- quality of contacts leads to success – Who are the decision makers? Influencers? Who can you help and how? Introductions rule! – Take the time to introduce others. – This separates name droppers from genuine networkers Be patient - Business relationships take time to grow – Get to know people from a business and personal perspective..find commonalities Use “low” tech –A quick phone call can be more efficient than s
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT …making the connections Practice 3rd party networking – Make time to introduce two people so they can benefit from meeting each other – You get to re-connect with someone when you don't need anything! Avoid 911 networking – When the economy is challenging people discover "networking.“ – Build relationships BEFORE you need them Make “stay in touch calls” – When someone comes up in a conversation or comes to mind, make a random "hello" cal – Not always necessary to have an “agenda”- use your judgment
The Basics.. Leveraging your association participation Mingle with those you don’t know! Ask lots of “open ended” questions – what-why-how-where-when Be yourself Focus on a few! Bring business cards! Make notes quickly- follow up on your commitments Pet peeve.. Wear your name tag on the right hand side… unless you are left handed
Action Plan LEVERAGING YOUR OPPORTUNTIES FOR Business Development– What can you do today? EBC Meeting Identify two new contacts from today’s meeting: Name Company/Firm Next Step Identify one organization activity that you will participate in? Activity: Next step: Identify one personal (or company/firm) goal related Leveraging your EBC membership for 2008: Goal