- We have five books in this genre: -Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon -This genre is actually a mix of poetry, songs, proverbs, and wisdom. -The writing style for poems differ greatly from narrative(story) portions in Biblical Hebrew
Job-Job is a man who follows God. Satan thinks Job only follows God because God is good to Job. Traditional thoughts on how God works is tested.
Psalms-a collection of writings expressing a wide range of emotions about faith, life, and God. 5 Kinds of Psalms 1. Praise psalm- praise to God, usually no petition 2. Lament psalm- expressing trouble or problems 3. Wisdom psalm-addressed to people 4. Royal psalm- focuses on how God works through his anointed king 5. Imprecatory psalm- a cry for justice against enemies
Proverbs-a collection of wise statements that were shared in Israel. Wisdom is found in God
Ecclesiastes-the writer ponders on the meaning of life. Certain goals in life (such as wealth or power) are worthless. It’s better just to enjoy what God has given and stop the pursuit of other things.
Song of Solomon-love poetry in the Bible. Love and sex are powerful forces in our lives that need to be guided by wisdom. Hey, girl! Your neck is like a tower. Lovely!