EITI Progress in Mongolia Presented by Dorjdari N., PWYP Mongolia Coordinator Regional Meeting, Bishkek 29 October 2010
Where are we at in terms of EITI? Mongolia has been announced ‘compliant’ during recent EITI Board meeting in Dar Es Salaam (October 19) In April, Mongolia was designated ‘candidate country’ and ‘close to compliant’; given 6 months to show progress Mongolia had problems with 5 indicators – indicators 11-15
Validation Mongolia validated in November-December 2009 Coffee International was the validator MSWG accepted the validator’s report Initial report suggested Mongolia met all indicators – later revision revealed 5 indicators not met PWYP Mongolia Coalition did self assessment – very helpful to prepare for the actual validation Validation and the following EITI Board Decision to announce Mongolia ‘close to compliance’ let to increased activity of MSWG and the government Validator shed light on some problems areas in MSWG, like formality of the process, clarity of definitions, etc.; helped understand some issues clearly at the MSWG level
Around EITI reports 3 EITI reports so far, covering Auditors: Crane and White, Ernst and Young, Hart Group Companies: Oil&Gas + Mining (exploration + producing); State owned+private; Chinese+Russian+all others Reports not included in the official reconciliation: for 2007, Institute of Certified Accountants did reconciliation of 28 companies Response from civil society: – 2006 Report: Full Response Paper, Press Conference, TV Interviews – 2007 Report: Open Letter, Press Conference, TV Special Interview – 2008 Report: Open Letter, Press Conference, TV and Newspaper Interviews, Full One Page Newspaper Special Use of reports by civil society: Inadequate? -Tax policy?
Summary Stats Reporting year No of companies reconciled No of companies reporting No of companies in the government report Threshold (MNT) Initial discrepancy (MNT) Final discrepancy (MNT) Release date mln96.8 bln25 blnFeb mln141.4 bln 11.6 bln* Sept mln47.1 bln1.1 blnJuly (forthcoming) 100? mln??Jan 2011?
Beyond minimum EITI standards Mongolia EITI – disaggregated; company by company and payment by payment Some exploration companies included Environmental reclamation costs and bond are included in the reports Information on production is included in the reports Two-tiered MSWG – National Council and Working Group
Going forward EITI Legislation – Includes contracts and licenses – Includes uranium, other minerals, oil Sub-national EITI Pilot – Soum (subprovincial) level EITI piloted – MSG at soum level established – Templates are being developed – Reports of soum EITI – from minimum standards to ‘high’ or ‘best international’ standards? Overhaul of financial reporting – routine financial report by all companies involved?