Optimizing Business/Marketing Curriculum Dr. Leane Skinner By PresenterMedia.comPresenterMedia.com
Became an approved Microsoft Office Testing Center Exams optional for initial teacher certification students 2002 The unthinkable Exams required for all initial teacher certification students 2006 Continuous Research The Certification Journey at AU
Statement No. 72 – um/policy/no_72.pdf um/policy/no_72.pdf “This We Believe About Industry Certification” Industry Certification is one approach to assessing and demonstrating the technical competence demanded by employers The passage of a standardized exam to validate industry-aligned standards Policies Commission for Business and Economic Education
1990’s – Industry developed certification programs TIMELINE 1980’s – Industry demanded a degree Academically strong but lacked practical skill 2000’s – Industry is demanding a mix of academic skills and industry certifications
Stakeholders Employers – Possible reduction in training hours Students – Possible improved job opportunities; Greater Self- Confidence Business Educators – Possible increase in consumer respect Academic Institutions – Possible increase in program credibility Others… hours
Promote Awareness Of Industry Certification To Students, Teachers, Administrators, Parents, And Community Advise Students Develop Sequential Curriculum Communicate The Potential For Industry Certification To Add Value To Student Marketability And Advancement In The Workplace Monitor Changes What is the role of the Business/Marketing Educator?
Validation of Skills as a Means of Assessing Program Effectiveness and Student Learning has been Documented by Several Sources: Goals 2000 School-to-Work Act Polices Commission for Business and Economic Education Others.. Will the certification enhance the marketability of the program or the graduates of the program???? Data Management ??? Should I implement an industry certification program ??????
Although the average overall score of the participants on the MOS for Microsoft Word was above the required passing score, sub scores for Organizing Content and Reviewing Documents were the lowest scores. The MOS Word exam objectives for the sub category of Organizing Content include quick parts, tables, references, and merging. The sub category of Reviewing Documents includes navigating documents, compare and merge documents versions, managing tracked changes, and utilizing the comment feature. When developing and designing curriculum, instructors should creatively design assignments and projects to reinforce these skills. With the average overall score for the MOS Access exams being below the required passing score, instructors should consider MOS Access to be the most difficult Microsoft Office Software Application for students to master. Therefore, it is important to carefully develop and design effective instructional strategies. This research did indicate that utilizing electronic practice software for Access did significantly improve MOS Access scores. Improving Teaching Strategies Data Management System -- Research
Respondents reported “Chapter Projects” (Phase 3 – Guided Practice) and “In the Labs” (Phase 4 - Practice) as the most helpful in preparing for the MOS exams. “Creative Projects” were reported (Phase 5 – Independent Practice) as being the least helpful in preparing for the MOS exams. This result does not indicate that Creative Projects are not an important part of the instructional strategies, but rather that they may not be helpful when specifically preparing for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam. Assignments relating to “Guided Practice” and “Practice” should be a major part of a comprehensive program preparing Business Educators to teach Microsoft Office skills and to pass the Microsoft Office Certification exams.
How will you put the puzzle together for success at your school by optimizing your Business/Marketing curriculum ??