Single January 6 th,1412 10 Friends Joan of Arc is preparing for battle… Joan is now friends Jacques d’Arc and Isabelle d’Arc. Comment or Like Joan commented.


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Presentation transcript:

Single January 6 th, Friends Joan of Arc is preparing for battle… Joan is now friends Jacques d’Arc and Isabelle d’Arc. Comment or Like Joan commented on Jacques d’Arc’s picture. Comment or Like Jacques d’Arc says: Good luck!!! Joan of Arc says: Thanks dad!

Today Charles VII was asking me about my voices… Wall II Isabelle d’Arc says: Ohh! What did he want to know? Joan d’Arc says: Well he wanted to know why I was there so I told him I came to tell him what my voices said to me. Joan is now friends with Charles VII. Like or Comment Joan became a fan of King Charles VII. Become a Fan

"One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying." Wall III Isabelle d’Arc says: Very inspirational! Jacques d’Arc says: That is quite the interesting saying.. Joan is now friends with Jacqueim d’Arc,Jean d’Arc,Pierre d’Arc Like or Comment Joan became a fan of I put quotes as my status. Become a Fan

I keep getting all these visions.. They are so confusing… Wall IV King Charles VII says: Please message me and tell me about it… Joan d’Arc says: I will… Joan is now friends with St. Catherine, St. Michael and St. Margaret comment or like Joan became of fan of The Bible Become a Fan

“Of the love or the hatred God has for the English, I know nothing, but I do know that they will be thrown out of France, except for those who die there.” Wall V Pierre d’Arc says: You go sister! :) Joan of Arc says: Thanks Joan is now friends with Robert de Baudricourt. Comment or like Joan became a fan of Going to Church Become a Fan

Male January 6 th, 1412 Eastern France Single God and Country Catholic Go to church. Seeing visions. Going to Church Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Ke$ha and Justin Bieber Law and Order:SVU, The Biggest Loser Passion of the Christ, New Moon and Twilight The Bible I hear voices of St. Catherine, St.Margaret and St. Michael in my free time. They are my best friends. I am nothing without them. I enjoy going to church. I am a pretty cool person… get to know me (: Died: May 30 th, 1413 Profile

Friends Jacques d’Arc King Charles VII Isabelle d’Arc Jacqueim d’Arc Jean d’Arc Pierre d’ArcSt. Margaret St. Catherine St. Michael Robert de Baudricourt

Photos Me My Hometown Me Me and St. Michael Me in battle Me at my house My Portrait Me and King Charles VII