{ Statue of Joan of Arc in Coburn Hall at UMASS LOWELL France
Visions + voices from Archangel Michael saying to join King’s army + drive English out of France God’s emissary
Met with King Charles 7 th + convinced him to let her lead 5k men in battle
Led through faith + courage dressed in men’s clothes Won English siege of Orleans 1429
Burned at stake for “witchcraft” Fun Fact: Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union was founded in 1911 as a small cooperative credit society to encourage frugality and economic self- sufficiency among Lowell, Massachusetts’ tight-knit, Franco- American population.
References: Monasteryicons.com 3. Arc.htmhttp://faculty.cua.edu/pennington/churchhistory220/LectureEight/Joan-of- Arc.htm momkusl8tp3bm8qi2qu4a0http:// 6momkusl8tp3bm8qi2qu4a