Class 19: Mr Mc Guigan & Miss Barrett Class 20: Mr Maggio and Mrs Green Class 21: Miss Mulrine and Mrs Rogerson
Curriculum en/year-6/ en/year-6/
We expect children in Year 6 to spend around 30 minutes on their homework Monday – Thursday for the first term. A short written task will be given daily for Maths and English. Mr Mc Guigan’s English set will receive their written homework on a Monday and will be due in on Friday. We put a huge emphasis on reading nightly and ask that parents discuss reading books with their children and sign their reading records. If there is a valid reason as to why the children have not completed their homework, parents should make the teacher aware either by writing a note or speaking to the teacher on duty at the Year 6 door. If an explanation is not provided, children will be expected to complete homework during lunchtime. No homework after SATS.
Extra Curricular activities September – WW1 enrichment November – 1960’s/ 1970’s day June - Possible trip to Chessington June – River Study trip July - French week/ Art Project July - BBQ July – musical Sports festivals Leadership opportunities – prefects, peer mentors, sports ambassadors, school councillors etc.. NB: Some trips may incur a fee, if circumstances prohibit in paying this please contact the school office.
French trip
Parent Consultations Individual parent consultations will take place in November and January. At these meetings you will be able to discuss your child’s progress. Teachers are available throughout the year if you feel you need to speak to them by making an appointment via the school office.
Reminders Phones Dinner money Label all uniforms
Assessment Without Levels Information for Parents
Why do we need a new Assessment system?
4b was the expected average for a year 6 child. The floor target for combined RWM level %. Children should be reported using terms such as EMERGING, EXPECTED, EXCEEDING, AGE APPROPRIATE based on the standards for their year. Floor target of 85% of year 6 children to reach ‘Expected Standard’ for year 6 in Summer Levels: 1c 1b 1a 2c 2b 2a 3c 3b 3a 4c 4b 4a 5c 5b 5a 6c Age Related Standards Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
WHAT WILL IT LOOK LIKE IN YEAR 6 ? MATHS E2- Significantly Above AA E1- Above AA76-95 AA- Age Appropriate60-75 B1- Below AA45-59 B2- Significantly Below AABelow 45
E2- Significantly Above AA90%-100% E1- Above AA77%-89% AA- Age Appropriate61%-76% B1- Below AA32%-60% B2- Significantly Below AABelow 32% Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Reading!
Writing- all writing is Teacher Assessed using the most recent guidelines set out- from the Dfe.
Kent Learning Pathways (FORMATIVE) Use of Kent Standards Assessment to track children’s progress against the EXPECTED standard for each year. This will be useful for you to see what is expected at the end of Year 6. All of these areas will be covered in their tests throughout the year.
Maths New curriculum has more emphasis on written calculations – school’s calculation policy is being updated and will be available on the website to refer to and support your children at home with the methods taught in school. More emphasis on deeper understanding, pupils being able to explore, reason and problem solve.
Number Skills Essential for pupils to continue to practice their number bonds knowing them forwards and backwards (eg) 12+8=20 which is the same as 28- 8=20 Key Stage 2 must continue to learn and practise the timestables. All tables expected known by the end of Year 4. All division facts expected to be known by end of Year 6.
Website The Maths page of the school website will have links to: The updated calculations policy (by half term) Year Group Guidance / Programmes of Study Links to games and activities The Year Group pages will have information on the skills being covered in each term.
Clued Spelling Children will have spellings for 10 minutes every day. Paired work. Children work through a list of words and only learn the words they cannot spell. Therefore, no need to learn words that they already know. SATs spellings.
SATS 2 Numeracy papers & arithmetic – No calculator or tracing paper or mental maths paper. Grammar, punctuation and spelling Reading Writing is teacher assessment continually. Any subject book can be taken as evidence.