Historical Investigation Suggested Topics
Intriguing persons & groups Rasputin Joan of Arc Leonardo da Vinci Napoleon Malcolm X & the Black Panthers Fidel Castro Pinochet Jack the Ripper
Amazing Events The French Revolution Murder of the Romanovs The 1916 Easter Rebellion The Bodyline Series
Fascinating Societies Japan Tsarist Russia Islamic Iran British India
Interesting Themes Trans-Atlantic Slavery Suffragette Movement Industrialisation 19 th century imperialism History of film
Hotly debated topics Was Anna Anderson really Anastasia? Who killed President John F. Kennedy? Who killed Marilyn Munroe? “a dingo took my baby?”
Incredible historical sites Tiananmen Square Maitland Gaol Tower of London Bastille in Paris Battle grounds of the American civil war Sienna OR Venice
Constructions of the modern world by the media Behind Enemy Lines Breaker Morant The Da Vinci Code Black Hawk Down Lindy Chamberlain “Evil Angels”
Strategic Topics (not our HSC topics but related to them) Bismarck & the Unification of Germany Failure of the League of Nations Russia and Soviet Union USA 1919 – 1941 World War II in the Pacific and Asia Woodrow Wilson Conflict in the Pacific Eleanor Roosevelt
… BUT, you can’t do the following! World War 1 Germany 1918 – 1930 Albert Speer War in Europe 1935 – 1945 (including World War II)