BELLWORK 1. Who was Anne Boleyn? 2. Who was Mary I? 3. How did the Tudor dynasty end? 4. Why is Henry VIII important? 5. Who were the Anabaptists? What did they believe and practice? (pg. 195) 6. THINKER: Why was it so controversial that Tudor rulers changed the religion between Catholicism and Protestantism?
Catholic Reformation Many countries in Europe remained Catholic during the Protestant Reformation. Catholic power was threatened by the Protestant’s increasing popularity. To counter this, the Catholic Church decided to enact reforms. The Catholic Reformation eliminated many abuses, clarified its theology, and reestablished pope authority within the Church.
Catholic Reformation During the 1540’s, Pope Paul III set out to reform the church so he called a council of bishops at Trent, Italy. The Council of Trent Reaffirmed Catholic teachings that had been challenged by the Protestants Forbade indulgences Clergy was ordered to follow strict rules of behavior Had to establish a seminary: theological school for education of clergy members.
The Inquisition What was the Inquisition? Pope Paul III strengthened the Inquisition to stamp out all heresy. Introduced censorship to stop humanist and Protestant thinking Published a list of “forbidden books” which were too immoral or irreligious for Catholics
The Arts Baroque: new style of art & architecture that stressed emotion, complexity, and exaggeration for dramatic effect
Spreading Catholicism Read “Spreading Catholicism” and “A Divided Europe” on pages and answer the following questions in your notes IN COMPLETE SENTENCES: Who were the Jesuits? What did they practice? Who was Teresa of Avila? What was the Peace of Augsburg? How was Europe divided? Why did Europeans support Protestantism?
Intro to Exploration Early navigators relied on landmarks, the stars, and the sun to determine their directions. This made maps very inaccurate. Maps were usually drawn from scattered impressions of travelers and traders, but mostly from rumors. Most people believed the earth was flat! During the Renaissance, technology increased compasses, ships, bearings, etc. These new advances led to the age of exploration! Explorers set out to find new land and develop trade.
This is the world, as most of you know it:
Age of Exploration During the Renaissance, there are five main explorers: 1. Bartholomeu Dias 2. Vasco de Gama 3. Christopher Columbus 4. Ferdinand Magellan 5. Hernando Cortes
Exploration To learn more about the successes of exploration, you are going to complete an exploration project. You will work with a partner to read and research all information on exploration This covers the entire section of exploration, and we will use two days of in-class time, so make sure you work effectively! Worth 60 points! Follow all guidelines on the assignment handout.
Bartholomeu Dias 1487
Vasco de Gama 1497
Christopher Columbus 1492
Ferdinand Magellan
Hernando Cortes