T This is the tale of poor old Frank— Frank the monster, not Tom, Rich or Hank. He was created by a scientist in a great house. A house on a mountain, much too big for a mouse. There in the basement, the doctor toiled night and day, With help of his friend Igor, who had little to say. Finally when all was assembled like a bike, A bolt of lightning gave dear Frank his new life. He sat up from the table where he laid for months, Scratched his square head, and said “I’m ready for lunch!” He crashed through the door, and went into town, Where he arrived at the diner and tried to sit down. But everyone screamed, and left their plates hot. Even the cooks ran away without their prized pots. So Frank could have nothing to quell his belly’s rumble, Not a burger, or fries, or even Apple Pie Crumble. He was almost in tears, and very, very sad, And walked into the streets where everyone went mad, And screamed in horror at Frank’s sight. No one had seen such a thing in their life. Frank tried to explain, “I’m just hungry, that’s all. I mean you no harm, even though I am tall” A little girl saw him where she sat on the corner, And thought, he’s not so scary, in fact he might be an orphan So she walked up to Frank and tugged at his sleeve, And said “My name is Cynthia, Cindy if you please” He said “I’m just a little hungry, and don’t know where I am.” “That’s O.K.,” Cindy answered and pulled out some ham – Ham for a sandwich she was waiting to make And she pulled out two slices of bread freshly baked. They sat on the corner to a half sandwich each, happy, and smiling as a sunny day peach. ~James~5
Happy Halloween Fools!!!!!