eSafe Open Modules Overview Open modules implementing the eSafe document exchange protocol
WP3 eSafe - Open Modules fundamentals The WP3 eSafe Open Modules are developed based on the following: SPOCS specification D3.2, defining the Basic approach Actors and their responsibilities SP, PSC, eSafe (and TSL) Basic usage scenario interactive usage spawned over PSC and eSafe Interoperability building blocks Trust model usage of TSL, session initiation handshake Interaction model defining the SP’s usage and the cross system processes Secure data transfer cross system messages OCD Container for data exchange (see D2.2 “Standard Document and Validation Common Specifications“) Base protocol stack Web / WS-* protocols SPOCS D3.2 Appendix 4 - eSafe Operation in details, defining the Protocol flow fundamentals and implementation recommendations Data types and values to be exchanged 2
Note: Open Module limitations by 2011/02 Support of PUSH transfer only, OCD emulation (« lightweight » OCL container) WP3 eSafe – Deliverables SPOCS implementation D3.3, delivered of Specification update (minor changes) SPOCS D3.2 specification SPOCS deliverable 3.2 (part I) SPOCS D3.2 specification Appendix 4 - eSafe Operation in details (part II) eSafe Open Modules implementing the eSafe Document Exchange Protocol eSafe Document Exchange Open Module for PSC V0.9 (Source/JAR/Docs) eSafe Document Exchange Open Module for eSafe V0.9 (Source/JAR/Docs) Further related items, delivered on Demo PSC and Demo eSafe V0.9 using this modules (Source/EAR/Docs) eSafe Client Web Services / eSafe Open Module Client for.NET V0.9.NET Client (Source/Assembly/Docs/Test program) Java-based eSafe Open Module Container (Source/EAR/Docs) Test classes (JUnit) + test results for the Open Modules 3
Note: Open Module limitations by 2011/05 and 2011/07 Support of PUSH transfer only, no encrypted documents inside OCD WP3 eSafe – Deliverables SPOCS implementation D3.3 and further related items, delivered of Update of all deliverables to V1.0.0 Full Maven2 compatibility Improved integration ability (also based on feedback from GR) Integration of OCD modules V1.0.1 Ready to implement PSC Client Web service Interface SPOCS implementation D3.3 and further related items, delivered of Update of all deliverables to V1.1.0 PSC Client Web service Interface 4
WP3 eSafe Document Exchange protocol in action Technical overview The following slides provide an animation showing the eSafe Document Exchange Protocol in action 5
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (1) Step 1: eSafe Lookup 6 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB GetESafes (filter) render (eSafeInfoList) getESafeInfo() readTSL() ESafeInfo (ESafeIdentifier + ESafeCapabilities + ESafeWSUrls)
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (2) 7 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB gotoESafe (eSafe) initiateSession(…) readTSL() acceptSession(…) readTSL() Step 2: eSafe Session Initiation
PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (2) 8 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB gotoESafe (eSafe) setDocumentTransferOptions(…) Step 2: eSafe Session Initiation redirect (startESafe- DocumentSelectionURL- withParameters) acceptDocumentTransferOptions(…)
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (3) Step 3: Document Selection 9 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB startESafe- DocumentSelction (parameters) redirect (loginURL)
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (3) Step 3: Document Selection 10 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB login(…) redirect (originalURL)
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (3) Step 3: Document Selection 11 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB startESafe- DocumentSelection (parameters) render (documentSelectionUI)
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (3) Step 3: Document Selection 12 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB render (documentSelectionUI) select- Document (document)
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (3) Step 3: Document Selection 13 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB finishESafe- Document- Selection(ok) render (statusPage- WithAutoRefresh)
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (4) 14 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB receiveDocumentTransferPackage(…) ackDocumentTransferPackage(…) statusPage- WithAutoRefresh (sessionId) render (statusPage- WithAutoRefresh) Step 4: Document PUSH transfer (Note: No PULL implemented by 2011/02)
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (4) 15 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB statusPage- WithAutoRefresh (sessionId) redirect (eSafeDocuments- TransferedURLWithParameters) Step 4: Document PUSH transfer (Note: No PULL implemented by 2011/02) [Transfer finished]
TSL TSL Provider PSC Portal WP3 eSafe The eSafe document exchange protocol in action (5) 16 PSC DB PSC Files Configuration Received Docs eSafe Portal eSafe Files Configuration Temp Docs eSafe DB eSafeDocuments- TransferedURL (parameters) render (documents- TransferredUI) closeSession(id) Step 5/6: Taking Over The Documents / Close Session
The eSafe Open Modules Design The following slides give an high level overview on the eSafe Open Modules design WP3 eSafe 17
WP3 eSafe The eSafe Open Module concept for the Java world Both the PSC and the eSafe Open Modules are provided as Java libraries that are to be integrated in the Java-based portal application 18 PSC DB and Files Java Appl Server eSafedocx open module core TSL Provider PSC Module SOAP WS TSL Module OCD Module HTTP(S) API/SPI TSL PSC Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities through API/SPI Other libraries API: Application Programming Interface – to be called by the portal e.g. lookupESafes(…), e.g. initiateSession(…) SPI: Service Provider Interface – to be called by the Open Module, e.g. propagating events through the event interface eSafe DB and Files Java Appl Server eSafedocx open module core eSafe Module WS TSL Module OCD Module API/SPI eSafe Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities through API/SPI Other libraries
eSafe Client Web Services Required for an eSafe in AT WP3 delivers the eSafe Open Module Container and a.NET Client .NET Client library integration via API .NET Client library communicates via Web services with the eSafe Open Module Container Lightweight loosely coupled, stateless communication via web services with no extra security mechanisms It is assumed that the.NET-based eSafe portal and the Java-based eSafe Open Module Container is operated in the secure eSafe environment The eSafe Open Module Container hosts the genuine Java-based eSafe Open Module for eSafes Communication between PSC and eSafe according the SPOCS protocol specified via the genuine Java-based eSafe Open Modules 19 The eSafe Open Module Container and a Client for.NET
WP3 eSafe The eSafe Open Module is hosted by a small Java app (the Module Container) implementing a lightweight, stateless communication protocol with a WS client, providing a simplyfied version of the eSafe Open Module API PSC DB and Files Java Appl Server eSafedocx open module core TSL Provider PSC Module SOAP WS TSL Module OCD Module HTTP(S) API/SPI TSL PSC Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities through API/SPI Other libraries API: Application Programming Interface – to be called by the portal e.g. lookupESafes(…), e.g. initiateSession(…) SPI: Service Provider Interface – to be called by the Open Module, e.g. propagating events through the event interface Java/.NET Server eSafe DB and Files Java Appl Server eSafe Open Module Container eSafedocx open module core eSafe Module WS TSL Module OCD Module API/SPI eSafe Module Addon WS WS eSafe Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities using Web Services Other libraries eSafe Addon WS Client Services Other libraries Web Service interface – Simple interface, simple functionality, no event interface 20 eSafe Open Module Container and Client for.NET
PSC Client Web Services Required for a PSC in AT WP3 delivers the PSC Open Module Container The PSC communicates via Web services with the PSC Open Module Container Lightweight loosely coupled, stateless communication via web services with no extra security mechanisms It is assumed that the PSC portal and the PSC Open Module Container is operated in the secure PSC environment The PSC Open Module Container hosts the genuine eSafe Open Module for PSCs Communication between PSC and eSafe according the SPOCS protocol specified via the genuine eSafe Open Modules 21 The PSC Open Module Container
PSC Open Module Container WP3 eSafe The PSC Open Module is hosted by a small Java app (the Module Container) implementing a lightweight, stateless communication protocol with a WS client, providing a simplyfied version of the PSC Open Module API 22 Java/.NET Server PSC DB and Files Java Appl Server PSC Open Module Container eSafedocx open module core TSL Provider PSC Module SOAP WS TSL Module OCD Module HTTP(S) API/SPI PSC Module Addon WS WS TSL PSC Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities using Web Services Other libraries PSC Addon WS Client Services Other libraries Web Service interface – Simple interface, Simple functionality, no event interface eSafe DB and Files Java Appl Server eSafedocx open module core eSafe Module WS TSL Module OCD Module API/SPI eSafe Portal Appl Access of eSafeDocx functionalities through API/SPI Other libraries API: Application Programming Interface – to be called by the portal e.g. lookupESafes(…), e.g. initiateSession(…) SPI: Service Provider Interface – to be called by the Open Module, e.g. propagating events through the event interface
WP3 eSafe – Integration for Piloting countries Steps to make the WP3 eSafe integration run Integrating the eSafe Open Modules in the portal applications and publishing the SPOCS functionalities 23
WP3 eSafe – Proposed procedure for integration Integrate the delivered modules/libraries Configure the basic module‘s settings, e.g. Address of the TSL provider, portal‘s name and web site URL, certificates, folder for storing document transfer packages, maximum document transfer package size, transfer options (e.g. frame size), timeouts, etc. (see module documentation for further details) Register the portal’s UI entry points (URL templates) relevant to the eSafe document exchange protocol in the Open Modules‘ configuration files Include the module in the application startup procedure Extend and enable SPOCS functionality Implement the SPOCS-specific UIs Use the module‘s API (e.g. session object) for accessing the module‘s functionality Implement the module‘s SPI (e.g. DocumentSelection) for providing the relevant data (selection and provision of documents, metadata, etc.) and for implementing optional hooks (e.g. event listeners) depending on the portal’s role (PSC or eSafe) Publish the Open Module‘s web services (e.g. registering in the portal’s web.xml) 24
WP3 eSafe – Proposed procedure for integration Initiate entry in TSL for the component Each role (PSC, eSafe) needs to be included in the TSL Resources required Standard TSL attributes Service name should be unique, eg. qualified with the domain Service digital identity Trustworthy SSL Certificate Service Supply point URL of the InfoService WSDL countryCode document transfer principle (PUSH, PULL) (note: delivered modules support and provide PUSH principle) Testing Unit tests in development environment Functional, SPOCS modules integration test to be executed with the integration of other developed SPOCS modules (TSL provider and OCD-container) in the reference environment System and full integration test in MS environment (reference environment can support to substitute a communication partner)
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