Life Design: a Paradigm for Career Construction in the 21 st century Mark Savickas (Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine) Laura Nota (University of Padua) Jerome Rossier (University of Lausanne) Jean-Pierre Dauwalder (University of Lausanne) Maria Eduarda Duarte (University of Lisbon) Jean Guichard (CNAM/INETOP, Paris) Salvatore Soresi (University of Padua) Raoul van Esbroeck (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Annalies van Vianen (University of Amsterdam)
Shift in Paradigm (permanent co-evolution of individuals, the economy, and the society) The Five shifts to develop a new paradigm: 1.From traits and states to context 2.From prescription to process 3.From linear causality to non-linear dynamics 4.From scientific facts to narrative realities 5.From describing to modeling
1. From traits and states to context Inheritance: Universal laws governing human behavior The paradox: utilization of tools and methods that eliminate all contextual information Thus, the first presupposition: Counseling occurs far from controlled conditions
2. From prescription to process Inheritance: people hired on a long-term basis of mutual loyalty and security The paradox: prescribe careers considering a single occupational choice Thus, the second presupposition: Focus on strategies for survival and dynamics of coping (how to do)
3. From causality to non-linear dynamics Inheritance: Reasoning is linear and deductive The paradox: the believe in simple and linear causal explanations Thus, the third presupposition: Iterative strategies for problem solving; utilization of many different tools and methods
4. From scientific facts to narrative realities Inheritance: traditional pathways (education, work, family) The paradox: use of abstract and invariant rules and norms Thus, the fourth presupposition: Focus on client’s ongoing (re)construction of subjective and multiple realities
5. From describing to modeling Inheritance: The use and abuse of experimental design The paradox: dependence upon descriptive statistics Thus the fifth presupposition: Focus on modeling fractal patterns
A framework for life- designing based on epistemology of social constructionism Life-long Holistic Contextual Preventive
Life-long Help people to determine for themselves: HOW (the needed method) WHO (the person that can give the support) WHERE (the environment in which it should take place) WHEN (the best moment for the intervention)
Holistic Consider simultaneously all salient life-roles as they engage in career construction (for some people work may not be the salient role)
Contextual Explore the life theaters in which the different roles may be performed Life design intervention should be inclusive
Preventive Taking an interest in people’s future much earlier then when they have to face the difficulties of transitions
Goals of Life-Designing Intervention Adaptability Narratability Activity
ADAPTABILITY The five “Cs” of Career construction theory: Concern Control Curiosity Confidence Commitment
NARRATABILITY A dialogue to construct and narrate a story that portrays their career and life with coherence and continuity (construction of subjective identity forms)
ACTIVITY Through activities, people build new dimensions of themselves (e.g.: self-efficacy beliefs) ACTION = Behavior + Meaning
Intervention Model Define the problem Exploration of the current system of subjective identity forms Open perspectives Place the problem in the new story Specify activities Follow-up
CONCLUDING… Contextualized models Counseling as a process of continuous interactions New interventions methods and techniques Highlights: Idiographic definitions of success individual and the environment components of knowledge acquisition At the end: Counseling is a procedure to create a sense of shared citizenship!
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