Christoph Bussler, Laurentiu Vasiliu Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland SDK meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, June 14th, 2004 WSMO / WSMX contributions to DIP
WSMO – DIP WP1 Building inference engine processing WSMO descriptions
WSMO – DIP WP2 WSMO alignments: – Alignment with WSMO D18 "Language Neutral API“ – Building WSMO compliant ontology browser – Survey on known ontology versioning tasks & problems relating to WSMO Ontology versioning scenario in the context of SWS Requirements for an ontology versioning tool Addresses the requirements of the WSML scenario of D24 – Incorporate ontology versioning capabilities into the WSMO ontology – Prototype of the WSMO ontological modelling for the web
WSMO – DIP WP2 Possible future stages of development: – Interacting with WSML-enabled systems by reading ontologies formalized in WSML – Mapping services (expressed in various languages such as WSDL) to ontological models – Integration with a WSMX execution environment FZI provides a proposal for extending the ontology language with rules. This part should also be aligned with WSML as far as this is possible
WSMO+WSMX – DIP WP3 Modelling ontologies in WSMO format: – Business data ontology – Business process and protocol ontology – Goal ontology and repository WSMX may help on – Framework for semantic service description – Integration aspects of the service ontology and web service description
WSMO/WSMX-O – DIP WP4 Expected to be aligned with WSMO in the Service Usage work package both directly and via the work of WP3
WSMO/WSMX-O – DIP WP5 Definition of mediation from WSMO can be helpful for service mediation
WSMO/WSMX-O – DIP WP6 There are currently ongoing discussions to define a DIP architecture with a WSMO / WSMX basement and other features requested by DIP
WSMO/WSMX-O – DIP WP6 - architecture
WSMO/WSMX-O – DIP WP6 - architecture
WSMO – DIP WP7 WSMO considered as one of the current standardization efforts / initiatives in area of SWS
WSMO – DIP WP9 WP9 s committed to the Standard version of WSMO – There will be two implementations of the Mock-up for our use case, one of which will use OU’s IRSII – IRSIII is forthcoming and will be WSMO compatible
WSMO – DIP WP10 Case Study - don't provide technology but uses DIP and others technology WSMO-Std. is targeted for usage. The mock- up in summer will use some of the WSMO frame structures
WSMO – DIP WP12 The work evolving in this WP might discover that market needs are matched or not matched by WSMO (this is not yet apparent)
WSMO – DIP WP14 WP 14 has concerning WSMO the following position: – Will use the WSMO tutorial slides as part of the background workshop (OU - part of the WSMO tutorial team giving a tutorial in Bulgaria, September and of the proposal submitted to ISWC in Japan) – WSMO will also be a component of a number of DIP tools - the OU's main tool IRS will become WSMO compliant over this summer
DIP – WSMX B2B theoretic application proposal
DIP – WSMX C2B + B2B eBanking application
DIP-WSMX C2B + B2B VISP application
DIP-WSMX C2B + B2B eGov. application