Slide 1 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction ADvanced Options for P&T ADOPT Thematic Network kick-off Meeting CERN, Geneva, Switzerland December 6, 2001 Appendix 3
Slide 2 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction EURATOM FP5 Project Kick-Off Meeting CONCERTED ACTION - THEMATIC NETWORK Michel HUGON European Commission Brussels Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection DG Research, Unit J.4
Slide 3 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction PARTITIONING AND TRANSMUTATION OBJECTIVE OF FP5 ( ) Provide a basis for evaluating the practicability, on an industrial scale, of partitioning & transmutation for reducing the amount of long lived radionuclides to be disposed of
Slide 4 TRANSMUTATION (6.5 MEuro) Basic Studies: MUSE HINDAS N-TOF_ND_ADS TRANSMUTATION (7.2 MEuro) Technological Support: SPIRE TECLA MEGAPIE - TEST PARTITIONING (5 MEuro) PYROREP PARTNEW CALIXPART TRANSMUTATION (3.9 MEuro) Fuels: CONFIRM THORIUM CYCLE FUTURE TRANSMUTATION (6 MEuro) Preliminary Design Studies for an Experimental ADS: PDS-XADS Projects on ADvanced Options for ADOPT Partitioning and Transmutation (ADOPT)
Slide 5 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction Contents u Implementation of the Project Reports and Deliverables Meetings u Cost Statements u Audits u Useful EC Web-sites
Slide 6 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction DAY-TO-DAY CONTACTS WITH THE COMMISSION Topic Request permission How by letter and also mention in periodic reports idemidemidem Item For approval to make publications For travel outside EU For significant changes to budget distribution or Work Plan For contract extensions
Slide 7 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction DAY-TO-DAY CONTACTS WITH THE COMMISSION Topic Inform the Commission How by letter and also mention in periodic reports idemidemidem Item About changes of nominated responsible About patent applications About delays likely to affect the progress of project About changes in the name or legal status of a contractor
Slide 8 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction Schedule and Deadlines for Reporting and Cost Statements
Slide 9 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction Management Reports (Concise) u u Front Page (as communicated by EC) u Milestones achieved u Deliverables status u Resource utilization u Discuss Gantt Chart of the project u If applicable, indicate for approval,significant proposed revisions of Work Programme, schedule or deliverables.
Slide 10 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction Scientific/Technical Reports u uFront Page (as communicated by EC) uTable of Contents u uExecutive summary (publishable 2-3 p. max) u Scientific/Technical Objectives uScientific and Technical Progress (work- package by work-package) uDiscussion (Analysis of the project as a whole) u Conclusions
Slide 11 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction MID-TERM Report and ASSESSMENT Front Page (as communicated by EC) Mid-term report will be more extensive than other periodic reports It specifies It specifies clearly the intermediate targets achieved relative to expectation P Possible major contract amendments or work’s re-orientation should be discussed at Mid-Term Project Partners and Commission will assess the adequacy of remaining Work Programme for achieving overall goal of project
Slide 12 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction Confidentiality of reports u confidential information u All reports submitted to the Commission are treated as confidential information, except the publishable reports u u A participant may publish his own part of the research results if there is no objection from the Commission or the other contractors. u Authors should acknowledge the participants, the EC’s support and the Nuclear Fission Program
Slide 13 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction MEETINGS u Project meetings : every six months or as indicated in the technical annex
Slide 14 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction Auditing of contractors Types of Audit To Until By Technical Audit (art. 20 and 27 Annex II) Sites or premises of work on the project and to documents concerning the project progress and management 5 years after the contract completion date (date of the final payment) Technology Audit (art. 28) Information and documents related to the Technology Implementation Plan and to the IPR rules of Annex II Up to 10 years after the termination of the contract Financial Audit (art. 26) Personnel, documents, computer records and equipment related to the project 5 years after the termination of the contract Commission, or its authorized representatives, or the European Court of Auditors Commission or its authorized representatives Commission or its authorized representatives
Slide 15 PAO MO75 M. Hugon D:/DATA/POWERPNT/HNML. 0107kickoffconcertedaction Useful EC Cordis Websites u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u