Incident Business Fire Procurement Workshop Fire & Aviation Contracting Team May 19, 2010
FACT Introduction Aviation Procurement Update Agreement Types 2010 IBPA Updates Incident Business “CD”
Stood Up 9/1/09 Regional Office AQM Group Headquartered in Redmond, OR Responsible for all preseason IBPAs ◦ VIPR Competitive ◦ Local IBPAs (noncompetitive)
Ben McGrane: Program Lead & Aviation Kermadine Barton: Water Handling, Mechanics, Clerical, GIS, Mobile Laundry, Potable/Gray/Handwash Trailers Leif Shjeflo: Heavy w/Water, Fallers, Reefers, Rental Cars Juanita Johnson: Local IBPA Administrator
R6 CWN Type III Helicopters ◦ Year 3 of 3 ◦ Renewals for 2010 ◦ Rates updated 5/16/10 ◦ Schedule of Items Posted to web R6 Exclusive Use Type III Helicopters ◦ Helitack Only – No Rappel ◦ 4 Bases: Siskiyou, Frazier, Prineville, Wenatchee ◦ Awarded 5/13/10 National Type II IA
CWN Light Fixed Wing ◦ Previous Contracts (‘07) Expired 3/31/10 ◦ 2010 awarded 4/1/10 20 Agreements & 56 aircraft Currently carding & inspecting New Schedule to be posted on web ATGS ◦ LaGrande & Wenatchee – Year 2 of 3 ◦ Redmond & Klamath Falls – Year 1 of 3 Awarded in January
Incident Blanket Purchase Agreement (IBPA) Competitive Preseason IBPA Noncompetitive Preseason (Local IBPA) Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement (EERA)
Hired after VIPR Agreements Exhausted Incident Only ◦ Hired for specific incident ◦ Local AQM, Buying Teams, IMTs Remember R6 IBPAs thru FACT only! ◦ Expire with demob Can be used to make changes to IBPA
New Process for 2010 All preseason IBPAs administered thru FACT ◦ E.g. Dozers, Drivers, Camp Equipment Previously done by local AQM/FAM Established and/or Negotiated Pricing ◦ Rate Guide Still “hosted” through local Dispatch ITEAM program ◦ Employee Records ◦ IBPAs ◦ Dispatch ◦ Electronic Process Status
Characteristics ◦ Done in VIPR ◦ National Template ◦ Competitive Pricing ◦ “Best Value/CBA” ◦ Host Dispatch ◦ Dispatch Priority Resources: Water Handling Heavy w/ Water Mechanics Fallers Potable/Gray Handwash Porta Pots Clerical GIS Mobile Laundry Reefers
New IBPAs for Water Handling 2. Heavy Equipment w/Water 3. Buses * 4. Refrigerated Trailers * Rollovers 1.Fallers 2.Mechanics 3.Potable/Gray/ Handwash Trailer 4.GIS 5.Office Clerical 6.Mobile Laundry
No VIPR Agreements Local IBPAs or “Source Lists” for 2010 Distribute per Dispatch Center
Formatting Improvements ◦ Forms cleaned Up ◦ “Hanging Pages” being fixed Dispatch Module ◦ Search Features Equipment Type, Forest, Vendor Name, Agreement # Reports ◦ Dispatch, Vendor Summary, All Agreements Aviation ◦ Developing Inspection/Carding Module ◦ Agreement Module
Website Handout Region 6 Fire Procurement Site: