TRIO-CINEMA 1 UCB, 2/08/2010 Cinema Stein Interface FPGA (CSI) [Part II] Karthik Lakshmanan CINEMA - EE Team Space Sciences Laboratory University of California, Berkeley
TRIO-CINEMA 2 UCB, 2/08/2010 Cinema Stein Interface FPGA - Agenda AGENDA Overview Block Diagrams Requirements CSI Components Development Plan
TRIO-CINEMA 3 UCB, 2/08/2010 Overview (1/2) Overall Context CSI is an Actel FPGA that resides in the STEIN electronics.
TRIO-CINEMA 4 UCB, 2/08/2010 Overview (2/2) Functional Description of CSI
TRIO-CINEMA 5 UCB, 2/08/2010 CSI Block Diagram
TRIO-CINEMA 6 UCB, 2/08/2010 Requirements IDTitleRequirement STE-05STEIN Count RateCount up to 30,000 events/sec/detector (TBR) SFE-03ADC4 channels 16 bit >100KHz ADC SFE-04Threshold4 channels programmable LLD DACs, 8+ bits SHV-02SweepProgrammable up to 16 (TBR) steps/second with < 4 ms (TBR) timing jitter with 1% (TBR) of full scale resolution. Outputs are independently programmable (TBR) CDI Interface16 bits/ADC-Conv, 80KHz events = 1.28Mbps + 16 bits descriptive tag = 32 bits per event record Interface bit rate = 8.4MHz, Data rate = 4Mbps (includes CDI Protocol and Message Tag Overhead, “fixed message size” mode)
TRIO-CINEMA 7 UCB, 2/08/2010 CSI Components (1) Cinema STEIN Interface FPGA Modules FIXED DAC CONTROL Handles all the LLD Threshold DAC values. 6 DACS onboard Inputs: SYNCH REGS_CMDPARMS Registers:Fixed DAC Values(4) Outputs: FDDAC: (CK, LD, CLR, DAT) Load DACs with updated voltage value.
TRIO-CINEMA 8 UCB, 2/08/2010 CSI Components (2) Cinema STEIN Interface FPGA Modules SWEEP DAC CONTROL Controls 2 Sweep DACs which increment the detector voltage periodically. It also periodically (once/second) loads two fixed DACs (BIAS and TestPulser). IDLE SYNCH & ACCUMINT ENABLE SWEEP RESET SYNCH RD LUT LD DAC DONE ACCUMINT DONE 128 steps/second => 32 steps/sweep and 4 sweeps/second. Lookup table based => reconfigurable Inputs ACCUMINT:. At every rising edge the SWEEP DAC voltage is updated from the LUT. CYCCOUNTS: CMDPARMS SRAMDATIN: Next voltage value read from LUT. Outputs SWDAC: (CK, LD, CLR, DAT) Load DACs with updated voltage value.
TRIO-CINEMA 9 UCB, 2/08/2010 CSI Components (3) LUT MEMORY It stores the voltage pattern that the Sweep DAC has to follow. 512 bytes of memory (out of 4.25kB available) Loaded by REGS module Read by SWEEP DAC module Inputs: SRAMDATIN(15:0) Input to memory. This is used when the table is loaded. REGS_ADR Address Input from REGS module SDAC_ADRAddress Input from SDAC module REGS_WR: Write to LUTM SDAC_RD:Read from LUTM ENBSWEEP: State of Sweep Subsystem (LUT Write-protected when Sweep is Active) Outputs: SRAMDATOUT(15:0): Voltage data read from table
TRIO-CINEMA 10 UCB, 2/08/2010 CSI Components (4) REGS (Command Interface) Handles interfacing with off-board systems via CDI (Command Data Interface) Interface bit rate = 8.4MHz, Data rate = 4Mbps (includes CDI Protocol) Stores all command parameters. Commands become active at the 1 second tick after they were set. Inputs CMDCLK: Command Clock. Possibly the same as SCLK. The target frequency is 8.34MHz. CMDDAT: Command Data Outputs REGS_CMDPARAMS: Command Parameters. These include all Register data. Parity and Framing Errors are detected, and commands discarded if an error is present. No feedback is given regarding error-detection or command rejection. * A detailed description of this interface can be found in pages of Reference 3 (MAVEN PFDPU to Instrument ICD).
TRIO-CINEMA 11 UCB, 2/08/2010 CSI Components (5) Serial Command Timing CDI (Command Data Interface) * Falling Clock Edge to prevent conflict between CMD and CLK signals System synchronises using Start/Stop bits The parity is odd and includes the 24 command bits but not the start bit Command Format is as shown below: * A more detailed description of this interface can be found in pages of Reference 3 (MAVEN PFDPU to Instrument ICD).
TRIO-CINEMA 12 UCB, 2/08/2010 Development Plans Development Specification : Revision A just released FPGA coding language : VHDL Coding of modules: To begin shortly Testing: All modules will be unit tested in VHDL