Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/16/11 Poverty and Town Planning YIP Ngai Ming
5/16/11 Mobility People under age 5 moving in last five years Moved from outside HK Street blocks in 2006 with move than 1/3 of new comers – 26% Street blocks in 2006 with move than half of new comers – 9% Street blocks in 2006 with move than 90% of new comers – 2%
5/16/11 Mobility and improvement of space A 2002 survey indicates that most movers were – Able to improve their living space – 65% of movers did (by at least 10%) Nearly half of the movers moved from the urban to the suburban areas
Some observations on poverty concentration The concentration of poor people is not as serious as in other world cities More remote districts do not have high concentration of the poor Hong Kong does have enclaves of rich people We do not very apparent ghettos
5/16/11 Impacts of town planning On poverty concentration Public housing as a deliberate social mix instrument Impacts of comprehensive redevelopment in public hosuing High density living and large scale development Urban renewal and gentrification and the impacts on downtown areas