Planning & Community Development Department 2362 East Washington Boulevard “St. Luke Medical Center” Predevelopment Plan Review City Council Meeting December 9, 2013
Planning & Community Development Department Vicinity Map 2 N Altadena Dr E Washington Bl ProjectSite Altadena (Los Angeles County) Los Angeles County
Planning & Community Development Department Subject Site 3 Del Rey Ave PD-17 OS PS RS-6 RM-32 CL RM- 16 RM- 16 CL Woodlyn Rd E Washington Bl
Planning & Community Development Department Project Description Re-occupy the former hospital with medical offices; Demolish two-story “Annex Building”; Demolish one-story office building; Construct three-story, 280-space, parking structure; and Construct 750 square-foot receiving facility addition at rear of power plant. 4
Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 5 Demolish 'Annex’ and Office Buildings Single-Family Residences Existing Medical Office Building Del Rey Ave Woodlyn Rd E Washington Bl New Parking Structure Receiving Addition Medical Offices Medical Offices
Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 6 Main Hospital Building (front) Hospital Building and Chapel Hospital Building and Emergency Room Main Hospital Building (rear)
Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 7 Hospital Building and Annex Building Location of Receiving Addition Annex Building Building to be Demolished
Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 8 North Elevation South Elevation
Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 9 East Elevation West Elevation
Planning & Community Development Department Discretionary Entitlements Entitlements: Conditional Use Permit to establish a Medical Office use on a property zoned PS (Public, Semi-public); and Design Review for a project (i.e. parking structure) that exceeds 25,000 square feet in size. Review Authorities: Hearing Officer is decision maker on Conditional Use Permit and environmental review; and Design Commission to conduct design review. 10
Planning & Community Development Department Major Issues for Analysis Demolition of a potentially historic structure (“Annex Building”) and the appropriate location of a new parking structure; Establishment of 187,000 square feet of medical office on a site that is predominately unoccupied; Traffic generated by the medical office use; and Compatibility of the project with the residential uses to west and south of site: Adequate methods of providing a buffer or transition. 11
Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments PS Zoning District Permits large institutional uses such as churches and schools that may not be appropriate in other zoning districts. Uses permitted in PS zoning district require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit: Allow for a higher level of review and analysis of a specific proposal. Most development standards such as height and setbacks are specified by a Conditional Use Permit or Master Plan: Project-specific analysis. 12
Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Zoning Code: Height: Staff encouraged applicant to be mindful of historical prominence of St. Luke Hospital when designing any new facilities so that it does not lose its prominence on the site. Setbacks: Parking structure located 220 feet from the nearest (west) property line along Del Rey Avenue. Parking: Minimum requirement is 4/1,000 square feet: 187,000 s.f. = 748 parking spaces. Total of existing surface parking spaces (480) and the new parking structure (280) is 760 parking spaces. 13
Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Design & Historic Preservation: Historic Designation: St. Luke Hospital Block, Convent, and Chapel designated as an individual historic resource (2002) Annex Building was not included in this designation. At this time it is not clear if Annex Building is eligible for historic designation: To be reviewed as part of the environmental review of the project. All work will be evaluated per Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and the Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings. 14
Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Design & Historic Preservation: Recommendations: Retain historic preservation consultant, or an architect experienced in historic preservation, to collaborate with the project designers through entitlements and construction. Reverse some of the alterations to the hospital building that have compromised its historical integrity: Restoration of the loggia along Washington Boulevard that was enclosed in 1953; and Restoration of the 1933 central dome feature, replaced in 1997 due to earthquake damage. 15
Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Design & Historic Preservation: Massing: relate contextually to hospital structure; Siting: consider other areas of site to reduce potential impacts on historic hospital structure; Landscaping: interconnect landscaping with site features and circulation paths that unify campus and encourage pedestrian activity; Signage: ensure commercial success while complying with Zoning Code and adding to the aesthetics of the campus; and Materials: durable, high-quality materials. 16
Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to General Plan: Policies and Objectives that apply include: Policy Adaptive Reuse: Encourage and promote the adaptive reuse of Pasadena's historic resources. Policy New Business: Recruit new business to provide retail and other services, and employment and other opportunities for Pasadena residents and visitors. Policy Priority Opportunities: Adopt and implement land use plans appropriate for priority employment opportunities including…(d) healthcare and senior care industries… 17
Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to General Plan: Policies and Objectives that apply include: Objective 5 - Character and Scale of Pasadena: Preservation of Pasadena's character and scale, including its traditional urban design and historic character, shall be given highest priority in the consideration of future development. Consider further ways of buffering (e.g. fencing or landscaping) medical use and the parking from the neighboring single-family neighborhood. 18
Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to General Plan: Policies and Objectives that apply include: Objective 6 - Historic Preservation: Promote preservation of historically and architecturally significant building and revitalization of traditional neighborhoods and commercial areas. Consider relocating the parking structure in order to preserve the Annex Building. 19
Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to General Plan: Specific Plan: The project is not located within a Specific Plan and is not subject to any non-residential square footage limit. 20
Planning & Community Development Department Public Works Comments Topics related to Public Works: Street Trees: Plant up to 12 Coast Live Oaks along Washington Boulevard and up to five Chinese Pistache trees along Del Rey Avenue. Sewer System: Parking structure appears to be in conflict with the existing sewer system. Sewers to be re-located or abandoned Any sewer systems to remain in use shall be inspected for defects and any identified defects shall be fixed. Los Angeles County: Portion of frontage along Washington Boulevard within the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County of Department of Public Works. 21
Planning & Community Development Department Transportation Comments Topics related to Transportation: Traffic Impact Study: Required per City guidelines. Traffic Signal: May be required: Washington & Del Rey; or Mid-block driveway on Washington, east of the hospital. Entry Gates: Set back 40 feet from property line to allow for adequate queuing space. Turn Limitations: Mid-block driveway on Washington: ‘Right In’/’Right Out’ only; or Restriping on Washington to provide for safety for left-turning vehicles. 22
Planning & Community Development Department Environmental Review Per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an environmental review of the project will occur. Analyze project’s potential to result in significant impacts, as identified by State and local environmental guidelines. 23
Planning & Community Development Department Next Steps Preliminary Consultation: Design Commission. To provide preliminary design comments on the project. Conditional Use Permit: Hearing Officer. Environmental Review. Includes Traffic Study. Design Review: Design Commission. Concept and Final. 24
Planning & Community Development Department 2362 East Washington Boulevard “St. Luke Medical Center” Predevelopment Plan Review City Council Meeting December 9, 2013