Protecting our communities together West Forum Date: 13 th June 2013
Data Protection notice When discussing members of the public, all agencies and individuals will agree to respect their confidentiality. The disclosure of information outside this meeting, should not occur unless there is a legal basis for a disclosure. Community Priorities Warwickshire Police is obliged to protect communities from harm in line with the ‘Police Priorities’ This may mean in exceptional circumstances SNT officers may be required to work on other policing priorities. If this happens there will be a need to re-negotiate priorities. This will be done in liaison with the Chair of the panel
SNT Priorities Speeding vehicles – Tamworth Road, Kingsbury. Speeding vehicles – Station Road, Nether Whitacre. Illegal & inconsiderate parking – Curdworth Primary School, Farthing Lane, Curdworth.
Speeding vehicles – Tamworth Road, Kingsbury. 15 targeted patrols & speed checks carried out at the location. No vehicles were recorded travelling at excess speed on five of the speed checks. On the other ten speed checks, a total of 24 vehicles were recorded travelling at excess speed. 1 driver was issued with a FPN (fixed penalty notice) the other motorists were given verbal warnings and advisory letters. One vehicle was seized by PC Kim STAFFORD for not having any insurance during one of the speed checks.
Speeding vehicles – Station Road, Nether Whitacre. 15 targeted patrols & speed checks carried out at the location. No vehicles were recorded travelling at excess speed on ten of the speed checks. On the other ten speed checks, a total of 9 vehicles were recorded travelling at excess speed. 2 drivers were issued with FPNs (fixed penalty notices), the other motorists were given verbal warnings and advisory letters.
Illegal & Inconsiderate parking, Curdworth Primary School, Farthing Lane, Curdworth. 17 Targeted patrols at the locations. No problems identified on 13 of the patrols. Parents were stopped and advised about dangerous and illegal parking on 4 occasions. PC STAFFORD and PCSO MCMURCHIE spent the day in the school on 9 th April and spoke to the pupils about setting up a ‘Park & Stride’ scheme and Jane LEES from County Council Road Safety spoke to the children about Road Safety. PC STAFFORD attended a traffic management meeting with Curdworth Parish Council and Christine LAMBERT, the County Council village traffic plans officer.
Other Work PC STAFFORD & PCSO MCMURCHIE have been working on setting up a ‘Park & Stride’ Scheme with pupils and parents from Curdworth Primary School. Pupils have designed road signs to promote the scheme where parents park at The Beehive Pub and walk to the school in an effort to reduce the congestion and hazards around the school. PCSO SCOTT and PCs STAFFORD have spent a week at Hurley Primary School for Hurley Police Week. The year 6 pupils have been given an insight to the varied roles within the police service and completed lots of educational and fun activities. PCSO SCOTT has received a Deputy Director’s Commendation for his work with a vulnerable resident of Wood End. In the early hours of 23/04/2013, four intruders were arrested at a farm in Nether Whitacre. The Police helicopter, fast response units and police dogs were deployed to the incident.
North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership Year end crime and disorder figures 2012/13 Reductions achieved across all crime types Overall crime levels down by 459 crimes to 3299 crimes ( 12% reduction) violent crime down by 71 crimes to 514 (12% reduction) domestic burglary down by 51 crimes to 239 (18% reduction) vehicle crime down by 51 crimes to 567 (8% reduction) anti social behaviour incidents down by 241 incidents to 2099 ( 10% reduction)
North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership activity in 2013/14 will include: Sustaining crime and disorder prevention measures for the priority crime types Including violent crime, domestic burglary, vehicle crime Reducing reoffending Local initiatives will include extending the use of Nomad 3g mobile cctv cameras and considering setting up town watch schemes in other areas
Thank you for your time. Please contact the team should you have any queries or concerns. Tel: Web: