HAPPY FARM executive programme „touristic services“ Labuch Chance B
The idea 3 phases in the executive programme: 2008: Guest housing (country pub + natural trial) 2009: Seminar house – renting the infrastructure and offering catering service to the seminar visitors 200?: Bed & Breakfast current: training programme for guest housing
The reasons Reasons: New training field which offers further possibilities at the labour market and which fits into the regular business of the farm Additional way to sell our self-made organic products Inviting people to our farm = way towards social inclusion
Our vision Our vision is to be an inclusive meeting point near Gleisdorf, where people come to enjoy their leasure time, our products and the beautiful landscape around the farm and use our infrastructure when visiting some cultural events.
Target group(s) Training participants: Young people with learning disabilites working at the farm Elderly (?) Customers for the touristic service: People coming to the farm and buying our products Special groups coming at fixed dates (school classes, senior groups etc.)
market analysis Gleisdorf: inhabitants, people in the surrounding, people in the wider catchment area = one of the most dynamic business locations of Eastern Styria; rural structure, but number of farms = decreasing; growing number of houses in the surrounding In and around Gleisdorf there are 6 similar “country pubs”, none of them near our farm; one inn = nearby (about 2 km). only few destinations for small trips around Gleisdorf, no natural trial or something similar; near by our farm there is a biking tour
Barriers / difficulties Integration of the guest housing service into the regular business at the farm fixed opening times 2-3 times a week Good opening times do not completly correspond to the working times of our youngsters fixed opening times 2-3 times a week, will be published at the advertising material Little indoor capacities (bad weather) the roofed sitting place is planned to be adapted as a veranda USP=? a natural trial is planned to be built in spring (= new gardening activity + training for natural guides); organic plants & organic products at the country pub
good points - advantages the beautiful location the quality of the organic products made at the farm we have customers coming to the farm yet to whom we can offer this new sevice without many PR efforts offering guest housing is a logical step within the „production chain“ at or farm there is no organic „country pub“ and no natural trial at Gleisdorf Chance B is well known at the region the training contents are usefull in daily life and at different jobs
Past activities Research about trainings for people with (learning) disabilities in the fields of farming and guest housing Research about system of recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning Research about evaluation and assessment of skills Development of the training programme for guest housing Planing the pilot run Beginning of the training (training calendar, diary and report forms) Development of Evaluation forms for the pilot run
Future activities Pilot run & evaluation final development of the training programme Development training material Final development and realisation of the executive programme marketing, planning natural trial, planning phase 2 & 3 Evaluation & assessment of skills! certification Target group elderly?