Stakeholder and Employee Survey Results
Overview Why all this research? Employee and Stakeholder comparative report Public perception on key performance indicators Conclusions
Why all this research? Can’t manage what you don’t measure Research is a core component of strategic brand management –As conditions change, so do perceptions. Research allows us to evaluate the strengths of the CBC/Radio-Canada brand and gives us information that can inform any required adjustments and/or repositioning to reflect changes in the environment.
Why all this research? Part of our performance measurement framework and reporting to Parliament Creation of special Board committee on Public Support Understanding that public is comprised of different audiences (Canadians, stakeholders/influencers, employees)
Background & Objectives Background: CBC/Radio-Canada is undergoing a realignment of strategic direction and priorities. Survey research was therefore conducted with employees and stakeholders* to help influence the Company’s corporate vision for the future and identify key priorities. *Includes opinion leaders from government, industry, media, academia, etc.
Background & Objectives Objectives: The main objective of the research was to explore perceptions of CBC/Radio-Canada with employees and stakeholders. Additional objectives included extending the Challenge Us! call to action to the larger employee group and tracking Corporate Performance Indicators and other key measures over time with stakeholders (similar research was conducted with this audience in 2006). *Includes opinion leaders from government, industry, media, academia, etc.
Methodology 1.Employee survey. Sample size: 4,073 respondents Population: All CBC/Radio-Canada employees Fieldwork: April 30 to May 16, 2008 Margin of error: ± 1.2%, 19 times out of 20* Response rate: 38% 2.Stakeholder survey. Sample size: 673 respondents Population: CBC stakeholder panel Fieldwork: March 5-31, 2008 Margin of error: ± 4%, 19 times out of 20 Response rate: 34% Both surveys conducted online. *Adjusted for finite population
Key Results Employee Survey – Overview of Findings 80% have favourable overall impressions of CBC/Radio-Canada. Virtually everyone (98%) thinks it is important for Canada to have a national public broadcaster. Majorities attributed importance to each of the broadcaster’s mandated roles and responsibilities.
Key Results Employee Survey – Overview of Findings In terms of corporate priorities, there was strong and widespread agreement that the following should be priorities: –High quality distinctive programming (95%). –Strengthen commitment to employees (92%). –Ensure sustainability of Canadian schedules (91%). –Recognize importance of regional reflection (88%). Majorities think CBC/Radio-Canada performs well vis-à-vis its mandate, but the size of the majority varies significantly depending on area assessed. The largest gap was reported for regional programming: 89% consider it a priority vs. 53% who think CBC/Radio-Canada performs well in this area.
Key Results Stakeholder survey – Overview of Findings 77% have favourable overall impressions of CBC/Radio-Canada. 89% think it is important for Canada to have a national public broadcaster. 83% feel CBC/Radio-Canada is important to them personally. 74% think it is important for the Corporation’s mandate to be reviewed regularly. Majorities attributed importance to each of the broadcaster’s mandated roles and responsibilities.
Key Results Stakeholder survey – Overview of Findings Stakeholders were more critical of CBC/Radio-Canada when it comes to performance: 32% felt the Corporation does not have a clear vision for the future. Just over one in five did not think the Corporation brings Canadians together, pays attention to what the public thinks, or is innovative.
Detailed Findings Overall Impression of CBC/Radio-Canada Q: All things considered, what is your overall impression of CBC/Radio-Canada? Employees (n=4073) Stakeholders (n=673) Very favourableVery unfavourable Percentage (%)
Detailed Findings Importance of CBC/Radio-Canada Q: How important is it for Canada to have a national public broadcaster like CBC/Radio-Canada? Percentage (%) saying it is important Base: 4073 employees; 673 stakeholders Stakeholders Employees
Detailed Findings Perceptions of CBC/Radio-Canada Q: Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about CBC/Radio-Canada as a whole. Percentage (%) offering positive scores Employees (n=4073)Stakeholders (n=673) Important to Canadian culture/identity Provides values for money Is innovative & creative Brings Canadians together Pays attention to what public thinks Has clear vision for future
Detailed Findings Importance of Roles & Responsibilities Q: As Canada’s national public broadcaster, CBC/Radio-Canada has various roles and responsibilities, as stipulated in the 1991 Broadcasting Act, from which it draws its mandate. Please identify the level of importance that you attribute to each of the following. Percentage (%) saying it is important Employees (n=4073) Stakeholders (n=673) Providing Cdn. perspective on ntl./intl. events Providing access to CBC/R-C services to all Cdns. Providing high quality distinctive Cdn. programming* Promoting Cdn. culture/identity Providing regional programming Providing programs of interest to many Entertaining people Reflecting multicultural nature of Cda. *Asked only of those stakeholders who completed the English survey.
Detailed Findings Performance Vis-à-Vis Roles & Responsibilities Q: How would you rate the performance of CBC/Radio-Canada in these same areas? Percentage (%) offering positive scores Employees (n=4073)Stakeholders (n=673) Providing Cdn. perspective on ntl./intl. events Promoting Cdn. culture/identity Providing access to CBC/RC services to all Cdns. Providing high quality distinctive Cdn. programming* Entertaining people Providing programs of interest to many Reflecting multicultural nature of Cda. Providing regional programming *Asked only of those stakeholders who completed the English survey.
Detailed Findings CBC/Radio-Canada Roles & Responsibilities: Performance Gap CBC/Radio-Canada Employees Roles & Responsibilities Priority % ‘important’ Performance % ‘good’ Gap % Providing regional programming Providing programs of interest to many different groups Reflecting multicultural nature of Cda Providing Cdn. perspective on ntl./intl. events
Detailed Findings CBC/Radio-Canada Roles & Responsibilities: Performance Gap CBC/Radio-Canada Stakeholders
Detailed Findings Perceptions of Corporate Priorities Q: Over the last six years, CBC/Radio-Canada’s strategic direction has been driven by the following eight corporate priorities. Looking ahead to the next five years or so, please identify the level of priority that you think the Corporation should attribute to each of these items Percentage (%) 7 = highest priority, 1 = not a priority at all Ensure high quality distinctive programming. Strengthen CBC/Radio-Canada's commitment to all its employees. Ensure sustainability of CBC/Radio-Canada's Canadian schedules. Recognize importance of regional reflection Demonstrate CBC/Radio-Canada is well-managed & generate cash flow. Reinforce capacity to work as 1 integrated company. Enhance/strengthen stakeholder relationships. Position to enhance ability to fulfill mandate via alliances & partnerships. Base: 4073 employees
Detailed Findings Preferred Priorities Over Next 5 Years Q: Again looking ahead to the next five years or so, what do you think are the most important priorities or directions that CBC/Radio-Canada should pursue to effectively fulfill its mandate as Canada’s national public broadcaster? Ensure high quality, distinctive programming Employee relations Focus on content production not media/broadcasting Focus on Cdn. content More regional / local reflection / programming Adapt to new technologies (digital, HD, web) Meet Canadians’/audience needs/be relevant More effective, efficient mgmt. Secure more/stable funding Better reflect multicultural Canada / Cdn. diversity Be distinct from private broadcasters Greater emphasis on news/current affairs Become 1 integrated company Fulfill/focus on public broadcaster mandate Do not focus on ratings Promote/support Cdn. identity/culture/talent Be transparent, visible and accessible Continue to develop high quality A&E programs Other Percentage (%)
Detailed Findings Impressions of CBC’s English-Language Services Q: What is your overall impression of each of the services that you are aware of? Radio OneNewsworldCBC Television Radio 2 Employees Stakeholders Percentage (%) offering positive scores Base: those aware/familiar with service*Asked only of stakeholders who completed the English survey.
Detailed Findings Impressions of CBC’s French-Language Services Q: What is your overall impression of each of the services that you are aware of? Percentage (%) offering positive scores Base: those aware/familiar with service Première Chaîne Télévision de Radio-Canada RDIEspace Musique Employees (n= ) Stakeholders (n=179*) *Asked only of stakeholders who completed the French survey.
Detailed Findings Use of English-Language Services Q: Which of the following CBC/Radio-Canada services… have you personally used in the last 3 months? Percentage (%) CBC Radio Two CBC Radio One CBC Newsworld CBC Television Employees (n=4073) Stakeholders (n=494*) NOTE: Data not entirely comparable. Stakeholders were asked about use in the past month. *Asked only of stakeholders who completed the English survey.
Detailed Findings Use of French-Language Services Q: Which of the following CBC/Radio-Canada services… have you personally used in the last 3 months? Percentage (%) NOTE: Data not entirely comparable. Stakeholders were asked about use in the past month. *Asked only of stakeholders who completed the French survey Espace musique Première Chaîne RDI Télévision de Radio-Canada Employees (n=4073) Stakeholders (n=179*)
Conclusions Widespread support across all audience segments for the mandate, role and responsibilities of the public broadcaster. Public perception on the Corporation’s key performance indicators is strong and holding steady, if not improving (e.g. distinctiveness) over time. There are noticeable gaps between perceived priorities and performance against those priorities –gaps that we should be looking to narrow over time. Among these, regional programming stands out, whereas providing a Canadian perspective on national and international events is where the gap is narrowest. Perhaps not surprisingly, stakeholders and employees each perceive a lack of a clear vision for the future, which is what makes what you’re doing here at Challenge Us! so important.