11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / 29 1 KNOWLEDGE OF FAMILY PLANNING METHODS and FACTORS EFFECTING CONTRACEPTIVE KNOWLEDGE OF TURKISH ADOLESCENTS Aktürk Z, Dağdeviren N, Set T Set T, Dagdeviren N, Eker E, Cakmak H, Tunc Z, Kilicarslan S
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / 29 2 Sexual behaviors are changing !
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / 29 3 Background Population of Turkey: 73 million Republıc of Turkey, Prıme Mınıstry State Instıtute Of Statıstıcs.
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / 29 4 UNFPA Turkey. 50% of the Turkish population is below 25 y.
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / % of females and 6 % of males have higher education The Turkish Higher Education Council.
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / 29 6 Limited place for sexual education in the current high school education –Only reproductive health issues… Akın A, Özvarış ŞB. Factors effecting the sexual health of adolescents. Ankara, 2004.
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / 29 7 Sexual issues are even not discussed in the families –More than 80 % of university students do not talk about sex with their parents Akın A, Özvarış ŞB. Factors effecting the sexual health of adolescents. Ankara, 2004.
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / 29 8 Knowledge of youth on family planning and sexuality is limited –10% of university students dont have any idea of STI’s –44,5% do not use any protection against STI’s Dağdeviren N et al. The sources of knowledge of the Turkish teenages about sexual issues: how reliable are they?, 2001
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / 29 9 Hypotheses 1.Contraceptive knowledge is limited among university students 2.Sexual knowledge changes with; a.gender, b.marital status c.time, d.geographical origin e.learning background
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Methods Questionnaire study Subjects: students applying for higher education at Trakya University between –Population size: –Sample: 2001: 3.697/8.906 (41,5%), 2002: 3.988/7.099 (56,2%), 2003: 5.310/8.596 (61,8%), 2004: 3.763/8.946 (42,1%); –Total: (52.5 %)
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Variables Dependent variables: –Having received any sexual education The source of education? –Knowing at least one contraceptive method Independent variables: –Study year –Gender –Geographical origin –Applied program –Marital status
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Results Age: 18,55 ± 1,57 years Male/Female = 8859/7899 (52,9%/47,1%) 65.5 % received sexual education –Boys: 5476/834665,6 %, –Girls: 4797/742964,6 % (p<0,05)
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Knowing at least one contraceptive method (modern or traditional) 2592/ ,1 % –Girls 1264/692118,3 % –Boys1328/810916,4 %(p=0,002)
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Most commonly known contraceptives
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Contraceptive Knowledge Knowledge changes with geographic origin (p<0,001) –Foreigner 42/29414,3 % –Black see 302/198715,2 % –East 124/91513,6 % –South east 31/19016,3 % –Middle174/91619,0 % –Mediterranean 75/36520,5 % –Aegean 170/61527,6 % –Marmara 1448/823217,6 %
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Contraceptive Knowledge 14,3% 15,2% 13,6% 16,3% 20,5% 19,0% 27,6% 17,6%
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Contraceptive knowledge decreases with time (p <0,001)
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Having received sexual education (self report) Education increases with time –2001: 33.7 %, –2002: 45.0 %, –2003: 85.8%, –2004: 86.1% (p <0,001).
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Sexual education changes with regard to the applied licence programmes (p <0.001)
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Resources for Sexual Education
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Resources for Sexual Education
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Resources for Sexual Education
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Contraceptive knowledge changes with applied program (p<0,001) Applied program –2-year1428/956014,9 % –4-year985/460421,4 % –Medical faculty114/30936,9 %
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Contraceptive knowledge changes with marriage (p=0,012) %
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Education changes with geographic origin (p <0.001)
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / ,0% 59,9% 57,2% 55,1% 59,4% 58,8% 59,5% 67,3%
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Discussion This study confirms the previous ones in demonstrating the insufficiency of sexual education of Turkish youths. Canada: 95% of university-aged females have received information for OC [ Doctors (82%), pamphlets (46%), friends (36%)] Paula C. Fletcher et al. Contraception 2001; 63:229–233
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Young people try to get more sexual knowledge with time but professionals can not act as the primary resource. Students applying for medical education are more knowledged and they use more reliable resources.
11th Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine 3-7 September 2005, Kos, Greece / Regional differences in sexual knowledge can be attributed to the sociocultural differences. Priority should be given especially to eastern regions in planning sexual education.