BRIEF CONTENTS: 1. Peculiarities of the Bronze era. 2. Andron culture. 3. Beghazy-Dandybai culture is culture of Central Kazakhstan.
1. PECULIARITIES OF BRONZE ERA. The changes in the economy and mode of life of the people of Kazakhstan, which were outlined at the end of Neolithic, resulted in the building of the producing economy. In the II millennium В. С. people learned to get bronze by the way of addition of tin, lead and zinc to cooper.
The bronze is the hard but at the same time very plastic metal, from which the instruments of labor and weapons were made. The era, when this metal was the main one in the life of people, named the “Bronze age”. It was lasting from the end of the III till the I thousand. В. С.
Bronze Age is characterized by the formation of highly-developed metallurgy, cattle-breeding and agriculture, turning to the production process at house- keeping, collapsing of tribe communities.
THE TWO MAIN PECULIARITIES OF THE BRONZE AGE: 1.Industrial mastering of polymetal and gold. 2.Trancsition of cattle breeding to a principal production sphere
2. ANDRON CULTURE. One of the main monuments of Bronze Age is Andron culture. This conventional name was related to the ground of stone burial mound on the outskirts of Andron village, situated near Achinsk city in South Siberia. It’s monuments spread over an extensive area from the east of the Yenisei to the Ural Mountains in the west, covering vast areas of southern Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia to southern Tajikistan, Afghanistan and northern Pakistan.
In y Gryaznov M. and Tugarin A. were firsts to find monuments of Andron culture. Now the time of existing of this culture is divided by the majority of the researchers into three periods: the Early(Lower) Bronze - XVIII— XVI с. В. С. the Middle -XII—XIII с. В. С. the Late(Upper)- XII —beg. VIII с. В. С.
Anthropological type of Andron people is Caucasoid. Language belongs to an Indo-Iranian language group.
The Andronov family could make all the necessary for the life. They could spin, weave, curry (leather), sew the clothes and footwear, embroidered with the colored threads and decorated with the appliqué works and beads.
Andron people engaged in weaving (they had known loom and spindle), processed leather, sewed clothing and shoes. Andron society was a patriarchal community. Ancestral community property was replaced by property of a separate family, and then private property and property inequality. Patrimonial leaders, priests, military leaders appeared. Andron people worshiped the forces of nature: the sun, the fire and also worshiped the cult of the ancestors. Priests were keepers of ancient traditions and knowledge.
The cattle-breeding played the important and more essential role than farming.
Having two humps the Bactrian camels were cultivated by the Andronians too.
3. BEGHAZY-DANDYBAI CULTURE IS CULTURE OF CENTRAL KAZAKHSTAN. The Upper (Late) Bronze period in Central Kazakhstan was marked by the formation of the new culture, which was named Beghazy-Dandybai. It was typical for this period the existing of the round stone tombs with the big burial mounds on them, the earthenware, decorated with inlaid work by the white paste. At the same time there were the ground dwellings with the stone walls.
The clay of vessel
A excavate graves of Bronze Age
The manner of bury of Andron tribes
Kazakhstan — is one of the richest place as for number and variety of rock pictures. The remarkable pictures of the Tamgaly, Karatau, Maimak, Tarbagatai, Bukentau were investigated by archaeologists and became the property of the world culture.
Sun –shaped deity (Tamgaly cave in the Southern Kazakhstan)