Miroslav Karásek Pavel Peterka Jan Radil 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 2 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Outline Motivation Experimental results Conclusions
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 3 Utilization of dark fibres – CEF networks Cost effective deployment of multigigabit lines (N x 1 GE, N x 10 GE) using inexpensive commercial equipment (NRZ, without FEC) National Research and Educational Networks (NRENs) rely on leased dark fibres and prefer to have no active components between the transmitter and the receiver Due to the commercial availability of high-power erbium- doped fibre amplifiers, the span of repeaterless links has substantially increased Repeaterless or Nothing-in-line (NIL) approach 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Motivation
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 4 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Motivation Fibre distances For CzechLight - experimental and breakable network
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 5 Results of error-free transmission of 2 x 10 GE plus 2 x 1 GE channels over 200 km and 2 x 10 GE over 250 km of G.652 fibre without deployment of in-line amplifiers 1 x 10 GE and 2 x 10 GE over 287 km of mixed G.652/G.655 link Commercially available equipment (Cisco Catalyst 6503 with 10 GE blades, high power and low noise Keopsys EDFAs and Raman fibre lasers) have been used in our experimental set-up All the active components and the DCF were placed either at the transmitter, or at the receiver side of the link BER better then (using either the PING utility, or by BERT Acterna ONT-50) 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 6 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 4 WDM channels over 200 km
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 7 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 4 WDM channels over 200 km optical power at the input port of EDFA 1 (resolution bandwidth of the optical spectrum analyzer nm)
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 8 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 4 WDM channels over 200 km Optical power at the input to EDFA 2 : P SSMF =20 dBm
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 9 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 4 WDM channels over 200 km Optical powers at the output of DCF
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 10 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 4 WDM channels over 200 km dependence of BER on EDFA1 output power for the 10 GE channel at nm measured by the ACTERNA ONT-50
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 11 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 2 WDM channels over 250 km λ 1 = nm, λ 2 = nm
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 12 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 2 WDM channels over 250 km Optical power at the output of the DCF 2 in case of post-compensation scheme: PSSMF=15.5 dBm, PRL=1.1 W
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 13 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 2 channels / 287 km G.652/G km set-up not tested properly with BERT
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 14 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 2 channels / 287 km The eye diagram – before the receiver
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 15 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 2 channels / 287 km Number of successfully received packets as a function of P EDFA1
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 16 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Experimental results – 2 channels / 287 km Number of successfully received packets as a function of P RL
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 17 Using commercially available and relatively cheap optical communication systems and components, NIL error-free transmission of N x 1 GE and N x 10 GE channels is possible The error-free transmission is not very sensitive to optical powers launched into the SSMF and DCF, neither to Raman pump power These results are encouraging especially for operators of national research and educational networks who rely on leased dark fibres and prefer as long NIL transmission as possible We expect better results using DWDM transmitters (GBIC, SFP, XENPAK, XFP) 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Conclusions
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 18 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs References [1] Karásek, M. - Peterka, P. - Radil, J., „202 km repeaterless transmission of 2 x 10 GE plus 2 x 1 GE channels over standard single mode fibre. “, In: Optics Communications 235, pp , [2] Karásek, M. - Peterka, P. - Radil, J., „Repeaterless Transmission of 2 x 10 GE Channels over 252 km of Standard Single Mode Fibre without in-line EDFA. “, In: IEE Proc. Optoelectronics, sent for publication, [3] Radil, J. - Karásek, M., „Experiments with 10 GE long-haul transmissions in academic and research networks.“, In: I2 member meeting, Arlington, VA, [4] Radil, J., „ Experiments on optical layer and breakable research networks. “, In: 14 th TF-NGN meeting, Amsterdam, 2004.
7 February, 2005 ONDM 2005, Milano, Italy 19 1O GE long-haul transmissions without in-line EDFAs Thank you for your attention!