The U.S.A. a Country Without a Budget Presented by Teresa Larson
Classic Battle Democrats vs. Republicans President vs. Congress Who has the best plan why can’t they come to an agreeement on the best way to fund our country?
Deficit Spending Our Currency We print our own money We sell U.S. Treasury bonds to investors We control our own money When the debt limit is not raised we are saying that we will not be paying our bills Greece Bankrupt Use the Euro They do not control it This creates an unstable situation for them. They are at the will of another government.
There is a difference between “I can’t” and “I do not want to” ““
How Are Country is Funded President presents a budget annually for the next year it also includes a plan for the next 10 years. Congress listens House of Representatives puts out a budget Senate approves or modifies must go back to House and then back to Senate President must approve
Separate Spending Bills Approved A mechanism for disagreement was put in place to help during times of budget conflict. Continuous Resolutions Our country has operated under this model many times in history
Differences in Spending Ideas President suggests Cutting spending in defense and changing Our strategy to include No long term involvement in large scale stability operations. Out dated systems will be scraped, innovative technologies embraced
Presidents plan The country will spend less on Overseas Contingency Operations. Taxes should be restructured so that everyone pays their fair share. Everyone should be taxed at the same rate. Repeal the Bush era tax cuts for families earning over $250,000 a year. Health Care Reform still an issue
Presidents Plan Jobs and getting people back to work Improving Medicare and Medicaid President wants to consolidate six government agencies into one department
Presidents Plan Tax incentives for environmental concerns Make permanent the American Opportunity Tax Credit fro students The Presidents plan would cut the deficit by $3 trillion over the next decade.
Path To Prosperity The Republican Budget that was passed on March 30, 2012 Defense spending is not reduced Taxes are not increased Tax Loopholes are addressed
Path to Prosperity Brings the government size to 20% vs. 23% proposed by the president. Cuts spending by $5 trillion relative to the Presidents budget Against the Presidents plan for an independent board to oversee Medicare
Path to Prosperity Repeals Health Care Laws Medicare patients choose which insurance provider will administrate their plan. Personalized Medicare Medicare wont change for those 55 and older
It feels like they are not listening to each other
Why Politicians Can’t Come Together On a Plan Politics as usual Concern for the glory of whose plan is to get the recognition The people suffer
Why Politicians Can’t Come Together On a Plan Our country runs on continuous resolution rather than a bona fide plan to get us to a destination of security and well being at home because our political parties are trying to push their agenda’s. There is not an ability to compromise and help the people within the current two party system that rules our government.