The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Budgets & Fundraising David McCampbell District Administrator
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. What is a budget? K E Y C L U B
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. What is a budget? K E Y C L U B Plan for Income & Expense
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expense?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expense? Know where you are going to know how to get there
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expense? Know where you are going to know how to get there Required for success meeting objectives
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expense? Know where you are going to know how to get there Required for success meeting objectives Check your progress
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Why plan for income and expen$e? Know where you are going to know how to get there Required for $ucce$$ meeting objective$ Check your progre$$ BUDGET$ = $UCCE$$
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Components of a Budget List Sources of INCOME List of Your EXPENSES Net of Income & Expense
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Income Portion of Budget
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Expense Portion of Budget
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Ready to... Fund Rai$e?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B What Makes a Fundraising Project Successful?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Tell Us About Your Fundraising Projects?
The Florida District of Key Club International, Inc. K E Y C L U B Project & Budget Resources Kristen Truong, District Treasurer Kiwanis club > The Eliminate Project Idea Book > Fundraising Projects (search) Advisors, Teachers, Parents ???