EuBrewNet MC and WG Meeting Manchester 26/27 th Sept 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

EuBrewNet MC and WG Meeting Manchester 26/27 th Sept 2013

Chair Update Addition of TR, SK and NL now gives us participation of 18 COST countries. ESA, NOAA and EC(WebEx) participating in the meeting. Possibility of NOAA joining as a non-COST partner. Possibility of ESA joining as a European body. Budget still intact till you lot get home!

STSMs No applications as yet A few expected soon. More possibilities may be identified during the scientific sessions - Priority

Working Groups Beginning to take shape on paper. Need to formulate strategies. Make list of action points during the scientific sessions. Use these action points to develop next work plan and budget plan.

Gender Balance Still struggling with historical situation. Slight improvement with new SK MC member and a few enquiries from female researchers. Do you have any female researchers to cover action points made during the scientific sessions or for STSMs – Priority!

Open Workshop and Training School, Tenerife, March 2014 Since no WMO-GAW Brewer meeting this year, we have the opportunity to hold a joint meeting. Encourage collaboration with other countries.

Horizon 2020? Is there anything for us as a network? Joint projects with ESA? Climate interactions?

Grant Holder Update Reminder of rules for reimbursement. Guidance for claiming. Fully online submission soon.