2015 Pikes Peak Region Finance Officer Training
Turn-In Flow Chart 2 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Traditional forms/Nexus cash, check & no myPay payroll deduction contribution KW verifies completeness, accuracy & legibility of forms; tallies forms and reports tallies on reporting envelope UPO/ME verifies content; spot checks accuracy; reports envelopes on UPO ledger Finance Officer verifies envelope content; verifies UPOs ledgers and reports info on master installation ledger. Finance officer processes NEXUS pledges in NEXUS System. Finance officer turns in all contributions to PCFO. Finance Officer tracks myPay donors for installation using Global if necessary. Finance Officer takes traditional and Nexus forms to payroll office weekly.
Giving Methods Overview 3 Reoccurring Gift: Payroll Deduction – 95% of campaign myPay DoD Military and Active Duty Civilians Independent Defense Agencies EPA, Dept of Energy, HHS,VA Nexus Payroll Deduction – All Personnel
Pledging 4 myPay Online: Payroll deduction only Rocky Mountain CFC Website links to myPay Website Charity Searchable database (step 1) myPay Transaction (step 2) Login: Select CFC option Pledge Confirmation
Combined Federal Campaign option added to MyPay Main Menu myPay Pledging
Key Training Point 1.The screen will ONLY be shown to active duty Army, Navy, and Air Force Personnel. Those donors must be provided their 4-digit Campaign Code All other donors’ campaign information will be automatically populated Pledging This step MUST be reiterated by KW
1.Active duty Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel must “Confirm Campaign” prior to continuing 2.Other donors will not see this screen Rocky Mountain Region 0141 myPay Pledging
Donor selects donation amount per pay period/month Key Training Point Maximum allowable total donation for military personnel is $833/month or $1,000/per month. For donations higher than that, military donors should use a paper pledge form; Note: If you see high monthly pledges like this on report, may need to verify it is intended to be a “per pay period allotment; not the annual total gift. myPay Pledging
Pledge summary is displayed; undesignated funds are automatically calculated and displayed Key Finance Officer Training Point For an organization’s pledges to be properly credited the donor MUST enter the Command/Unit or Federal Agency/Office Code Unit Codes provided on website under myPay on online giving page myPay Pledging Each KW MUST communicate unit code for their organization to potential donors
myPay Pledging 10 Enter Unit Code – Keyworker provides: HQ NORAD & US NORTHCOM: NNC/CMDGP NNC/CPNNC/IGNNC/JA NNC/NGNNC/PANNC/SOCNORTHNNC/J1 NNC/J2N/J3NC/J3NNC/J4 NNC/J5NNC/J6NNC/J7NNC/J8 NNC/J9DIAWCRO Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
myPay Pledging 11 Enter Unit Code – Keyworker provides: HQ AFSPC HQ AFSPC A1 HQ AFSPC A2/3/6 HQ AFSPC A4/A7 HQ AFSPC A5/8/9 HQ AFSPC CC /CV/DS/CR/CG Special Staff (HC/SE/SG/JA/FM/IG/IP/PA/SPP) Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
myPay Pledging 12 Enter Unit Code – Keyworker provides: 21 st Space Wing & Mission Partners: 21 MDG21 MSG21 OG21 SWDS 721 1SB (first Space Brigade)302 AW SMDAOther MP & Ten Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
myPay Pledging 13 Enter Unit Code – Keyworker provides: Schriever AFB: SAFB 50SWCG SAFB 50OG SAFB 50NOG SAFB 50MSG SAFB USAFWC SAFB 310SW SAFB TENANTS Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
myPay Pledging 14 Enter Unit Code – Keyworker provides: U.S. Air Force Academy: USAFA 10ABW USAFA 10MG USAFA 10MSG USAFA AD USAFA CW USAFA DF USAFA PL USAFA Tenants Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
myPay Pledging 15 Enter Unit Code – Keyworker provides: Fort Carson: HHBN1BDE 2BDE3BDE ARTY4CAB4SUS 4ENG 0CS10SF71OD759P USAGMEDCOSJA Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Key Training Point Donor can view print PDF pledge form for recordkeeping. Donor will not turn this receipt in to the Keyworker. They will complete e-pleding appreciation award acknowledgement form and turn it in to keyworker. Changes to the pledge cannot be made in myPay once confirmation button is depressed and pledge is submitted. Pledging
17 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Donor receipt copy. Up to five charities are listed on Page 1
myPay Pledging 18 Thirty-minute time limit for transaction Donor has no ability to change pledges electronically Work Address field is only an alpha-numeric field for tracking of military command/unit or Federal agency/office Some pledges by members of the military were not made in home geographic campaign area due to personnel records or donor entry Suggest personal confirmation of pledges $2,500 or higher; Requirements – The work address must be official “.mil” or “.gov” address. This is for any official communication within the government about the gift. – The “acknowledgement address (if selected) must be personal, not “.mil” or “.gov.” OPM rules bar charities from communicating about the CFC inside official government channels.
myPay Pledging 19 The ‘Campaign Search’ screen is only be shown to active duty Army, Navy, and Air Force Personnel. This information is automatically provided for active duty Marines and Federal civilians. Maximum donation amount for military personnel is $833/month; for civilians is $1,000/pay period. Donors can designate to a maximum of 30 charities (29 if there are ‘undesignated’ funds remaining). Donors must be trained to enter their Command/Unit or Federal Agency/Office name code for pledges to be properly credited. There is no paperwork associated with this pledge type. The donor can print a receipt for his/her records. Highly recommend that they print this.
Pledge Report 20
CFC Nexus Reporting 21
CFC Nexus Pledging 22 NEXUS Online Assisted: Available to anyone; Rocky Mountain Region Website links to NEXUS One Time Contribution - Credit Card, Cash or Check Contractors Reoccurring Gift – Payroll deduction (must renew annually, print & submit form) NAF, and non myPay personnel: Register Search for charities Complete Pledging Print & submit Confirmation
CFC NEXUS Pledging Registration – Finance Officer MUST register in NEXUS system Notify Jen Weems, On-line Giving Support, or (720) that you have registered in the system; Your privileges will be upgraded to “Payroll Coordinator” All previously registered Nexus users in the Pikes Peak region must register as a new donor due to 2015 merger.
CFC NEXUS Pledging 24 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Key Training Points: Login – New Donor due to merger
CFC NEXUS Pledging 25 Key Training Point: Non myPay Donors with Civilian Payroll Offices Must Sign Pledge
CFC NEXUS Pledging 26 Key Training Point: Payroll Office must have signed form turned in
CFC NEXUS Pledging 27 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Key Training Point: Donor must print and turn in pledge form with cash or check to keyworker. CFC finance officer will turn form in to the payroll office for manual processing. Finance Officer will process & print non myPay payroll office donor’s pledge form and submit to appropriate payroll office for manual processing.
CF NEXUS Pledging 28 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Key Training Point: Credit Card contributions: Forms are NOT submitted -Fill in thank you gift award information online -Complete thank you gift confirmation form and submit to keyworker. Pledge will be processed by your bank card.
Finance Officer NEXUS Processing Steps 29 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Go into Nexus Payroll Coordinator on Peak CFC NEXUS Single Pledge Processing of check & cash pledge forms in NEXUS & print Turn SINGLE PLEDGES processed forms into payroll office Verify all appropriate payroll offices (AF, Navy, Coast Guard etc.) and turn in each pledge to the appropriate payroll office Prepare chain of custody transfer form Submit copy of Chain of custody transfer form and pledges to appropriate payroll office.
CFC NEXUS Pledging 30 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 3. You will have a drop down menu for the Payroll Coordinator
CFC NEXUS 31 Pledge Training link: View Payroll Coordinator Pledge Batch Processing
Traditional Pledging 32 Traditional Pledge form – hard copy/PDF file Payroll Deduction, check or cash Available for all personnel Reviewed by KW for legibility, accuracy & completeness
KeyWorker Turn-In Pledge Preparation 33 Collect pledges weekly – All donors should turn in something: NEXUS Print out of cash or check contributions with cash or check Do not collect credit card print out – collect appreciation award form Traditional Pledge forms Pledges must be reviewed for completeness, accuracy and legibility Copy 1, Copy 2 myPay pledge confirmation forms Appreciation award form - Collect and verify forms: Ensure donor’s name and address is included Ensure unit/office code is completed Ensure gift request is completed Report totals of each pledge type (cash, check and traditional payroll pledges) on report envelope; Report number of gifts requested on report envelope
Contribution Collection Tips 34 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Keyworkers Collect Contributions &/or Confirmation Forms Weekly PII & OSI Compliance –remove traditional form cover when placing in envelope to submit to UPO Do not staple cash & checks to forms KeyWorkers make regular time to turn in report envelope with UPO Leaves plenty of time for both KeyWorker and UPO to verify envelope content and sign off on report envelope for chain of custody (IG compliance) Recommend one day prior to UPO turn-in
KW Responsibilities Overview Verify accuracy & completeness of pledge form information; if any Donor Receipts attached, return to donor. If any corrections or additional information is required contact donor to make changes. Separate cash, check, payroll deduction fro traditional & Nexus donations. Prepare and fill-out accounting envelope according to pledges received and gifts requested. Use Gift Ledger to track all requested donor gifts Distribute general donor gifts Eagle & Gold gifts provided at the end of the campaign Meet with UPO weekly to turn-in reporting envelope.
Key Worker Turn-In 36 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Reporting The UPO followed by the ME will collect all KW envelopes, verify the contents with the KW/UPO and turn in to IPO/Finance Officer weekly. IPO/finance officer will re-verify the content of the envelopes with the ME project officer. A chain of custody transition form on the envelope will be signed by the all parties at each level of turn-in. ( IG Compliance) NEXUS cash Forms Traditional Forms NEXUS Payroll Forms NEXUS check Forms
KW Pledge Verification 37 OPM compliance training UPO should spot check forms to ensure the KW has reviewed donor forms for legibility, accuracy and completeness.
Pledging 38 Traditional Form IG Audit Findings: OPM Compliance training Illegible, if it is unreadable, the pledge may not be processed correctly Monthly gift is listed as the annual gift Designation to an invalid code; pledges can only be made to agencies listed in this region’s brochure Form isn’t signed; payroll deduction cannot be authorized if the form isn’t signed Social security numbers is not provided; payroll deduction can not be authorized without the SSN; USPS employees may use their Employee ID#.
Thanks You Awards 39 Donor reviews giving level awards and selects the appropriate award for the gift given in myPay
Donor Appreciation Award Tracking Form 40 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Turn in the portion of form to Keyworker Installation: ________________________Unit Name:_________________________Unit Code:_________ Donor_____________________________ ________________________________________________ Gift Level: General Silver (one hour’s pay per pay period) Gold (two hour’s pay per pay period) Philanthropy Gift – recognition coin ($12 - $1199) Leadership Gift – U.S. Mint Proof Set I prefer not to receive a donor appreciation gift. Get Your Give ON-Line One time credit card, cash or check Reoccurring Payroll deduction myPay Donor fills out their information and turns in the bottom portion to their keyworker
Donor Appreciation Award Tracking 41 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! PCFO Tracking Form Provided for UPOs & Keyworkers Each KeyWorker keeps a list of their 25 co-workers with a check box of what gift that donor requests and whether or not they have received it Although Donors don’t give for the donor gift, they can easily feel slighted if promised something they don’t receive General Gift thank you award provided with materials; distribute as pledge forms/confirmation forms are collected by keyworker Silver & Gold Thank You Awards - provided electronically Eagle Level Thank You Awards – provided at conclusion of solicitation through Finance officer
Donor Appreciation Award Tracking Ledger 42
Donor Appreciation Award Tracking 43 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Traditional Form Record award information from pledge form myPay & Nexus Donor fills out and submits donor contribution confirmation form Keyworker includes tracking form in report envelope Keyworker uses tracking form to create list of donor gift needs Keyworker send tracking form electronically to UPO Keyworker reports gifts needed on report envelope for turn-in UPO tracks Unit gift needs on master tracking form
Key Worker Turn-In 44 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Reporting Traditional form gift requests, Nexus, EEX & myPay award appreciation confirmation forms are collected and recorded on the envelope. Donor Gift Request Form Installation: ____________________________ Donor: _____________________________ Unit Name:____________________ Unit Code: __________________________ Gift Level: General Silver (one hour’s pay per pay period) Gold (two hour’s pay per pay period) Eagle Silver Eagle Golden Eagle I prefer not to receive a donor appreciation gift. Pledge Form Gift Request
ME Turn-In 45 UPO turns in to MPO (if large organization) MPO uses financial ledger to record envelopes
KeyWorker Turn-In 46 Envelope Verification - Weekly Turn-Ins with UPO Collect and Verify Report envelopes for Weekly Turn-In Spot check traditional forms for legibility, accuracy & completeness Verify # of each type of pledge in envelope Verify $ of each type of pledges reported Verify e-pledging appreciation award confirmation forms Collect and verify forms: Ensure donor’s name is on form Ensure donor’s address is included Ensure unit/office code is completed Ensure gift request is completed Sign off on report envelope once content and report accuracy are verified
ME/UPO Responsibilities Meet with KW Meet with keyworkers on a weekly basis to receive donations, verify report envelope and sign-off if correct. Copy 1 of check and cash donations-SHRED. ALL copy 2’s go back into the envelope for CFC turn-in. If no copy 2, please make a copy and turn-in as usual. Verify all calculations and monies received are correct and recorded on the envelope. Collect electronically and track all gifts to be distributed on your awards tracking ledger. Cut, paste, and consolidate all UPO award tracking forms into one master for the organization each week Enter all financial information into correct Batch # section of the ledger and write batch # assigned when complete.
UPO Turn-In 48 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Mission Element (Group) Collection from UPOs If collecting from larger organizations that have multiple departments, offices, units or even shifts (sub-sections), the UPO will track and turn in those pledges by the corresponding subsection. (ie Cadet Squadron 1, Cadet Squadron 2 etc.) This ensures proper credit to each part of that organization AND if donor information has to be verified, it provides for a contact closer to the donor to validate. Each of these subsections should have envelope tracking 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4 on the reporting envelope, which would then be rubber banded together by the UPO. Finance officer will record multiple envelopes on ledger
ME Turn-In 49 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Collection from ME POs to Finance Officer/Installation Project Officer Verify content of turn-in Verify ledger Sign off on ledger Finance officer will record organizational totals on installation ledger Finance Officer will turn-in to PCFO
What Happens at a FO &ME / UPO Turn-In? 50 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Finance Officer will Cross Check the Envelopes Against the ME/UPO Ledger
Financial Officer/IPO Responsibilities Meet with company, battalion, brigade, squadron, wing MEPO or UPO on a weekly basis to receive donations, verify report ledger & envelopes and sign-off if correct. Separate copies 1 & 2. Take copy 1 of payroll deductions to payroll office; separated into military and civilian as well as various payroll offices Copy 1 of check and cash donations-SHRED. ALL copy 2’s go back into the envelope for CFC turn-in. If no copy 2, please make a copy and turn-in as usual. Verify all calculations and monies received are correct and recorded on the envelope.
Finance Officer Weekly Ledger
Weekly Ledger Do’s and Don’t ‘s Ledger must be sent to PCFO central receipt clerk by end-of-business the day prior to turn-in. Any changes/errors identified at the time of turn-in will be corrected, re-printed and signed before you leave. If you have a new unit not listed on the ledger, you need to request that addition to the ledger from PCFO finance officer Typically he can make these adjustments and get back to you pretty quick. If for some reason, he cannot get the updated ledger back to you in time for your turn in, then it would be best if you hold that envelope until the next week so it can be properly documented on the ledger. Envelopes will not be accepted/added to the ledger at the time of turn- in. They need to go on the next weeks batch. Central Receipt clerk will all ledgers to Doug directly after turn-in. No changes to the ledger will be accepted after the turn-in for that batch. NO STAPLES
Finance Officer Donor Tracking 54 Track Donors to units using global, award tracking form; update weekly
What Happens After Turn-In? 55 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Payroll Office Submission Verify all appropriate payroll offices (AF, Navy, Coast Guard etc.) Prepare chain of custody transfer form Submit copy of Chain of custody transfer form and pledges to appropriate payroll office. Sign off on transfer with Payroll office clerk Make copy of signed Payroll Office Transfer Form for record retention
What Happens After Turn-In? 56 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Payroll Office Submission Chain of Custody Transfer Form
PII Compliance 57 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum OPM generally defines PII as information that: Can be used to discern or trace a person’s or entity’s identity; and alone or combined with other information can be used to compromise the integrity of agency records relating to a person by permitting access to unauthorized disclosure of these records Pledge form
PII Compliance 58 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum OPM defines OSI as any information: Related to the Federal donor or charitable entity that could alone, or combined with other information, be used to commit fraudulent acts against the Federal donor or charitable entity. For example, a donor’s home address, bank account number or routing number would constitute other sensitive information.
PII Compliance 59 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Campaign Responsibilities It is the local campaign’s responsibility to ensure it has implemented adequate controls to protect against the unauthorized release and misuse of personally identifiable and other sensitive information. Local campaigns are responsible for the proper handling of PII and OSI, regardless of location.
PII Compliance 60 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Campaign Responsibilities Restricting access to PII and OSI to only those individuals who have a business need for it Keeping paper documents with PII or OSI in locked storage rooms or safes which can only be accessed by authorized users or security personnel
PII Compliance 61 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Reporting PII Breaches A breach of PII or OSI includes the actual or suspected loss of control, compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition, or unauthorized access of PII or OSI whether physical or electronic
PII Compliance 62 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Reporting PII Breaches In accordance with 5 CFR § (b)(13) a LFCC is required to immediately report to OPM all potential PII data and OSI breaches -- whether they involve paper documents or electronic information. Potential PII data and OSI breaches must be reported within 30 minutes of discovery via telephone on (202) or at to OPM.
Tues: USAFA location: Arnold Hall time: 10:00 am Wed: SAFB location: Schriever AFB/ HQ bldg time: 10:00 am Thurs: PAFB HQ AFSPC time: 9:00 am location: The Club – Palmer Room 21 SW time: 10:00 am location: The Club – Palmer Room N-NC time: 11:00 am location: The Club – Palmer Room Friday: Ft. Carson location: Garrison Offices time: 10:00 am Turn-in Days & Times
Anna Childress (719) Barbara Barfield (719) Contact Info