Disaster Management Bill Summary of Concerns General concerns Comments that cover more than one section of the Bill, as well as those not already incorporated. Specific concerns
General Concerns 1. Process issues 2. Mismatch between White Paper and Bill 3. Financial implications of the Bill, including issues of unfunded mandate at municipal sphere 3. Social context for disaster occurrence and links between disaster mgmt/development
General issues continued Role of citizens, volunteers and participatory engagement of communities 6. Role of traditional leaders and indigenous knowledge. 7. Issues around ‘centres’ cf ‘structures’ at provincial and local spheres 8. Issues around definitions. 9. Other issues
Process issues Concern that Bill does not adequately reflect priorities identified in White Paper. Limited stakeholder consultation/feedback between White Paper and formulation of Bill…and between 1st/2nd versions of the Bill.
Mismatch Betw. White Paper and Bill One NDMC, ‘structures’ Role of W.P. as ‘policy’ “Rationale” for declaring a disaster Developmental thrust to reduce risk Ltd focus:small/medium disasters Emphasis on training ‘ Centres’ in 3 spheres Role of ‘Framework’ Geographic distinction for disasters Activities carried out by centres Focus on large events Section omitted
Financial Implications of the Bill Issues specifically around unfunded mandate for establishing a disaster management centre in each metropolitan and district municipality. Also issues around punitive measures in releasing relief monies if preventive steps were not taken in advance of a disaster
Social context for disaster occurrence Need to locate disaster vulnerability in a social context Reorientation of Bill towards benefits to people and sustainable development Need to identify special risk groups known to be most exposed (ie women, children)
Role of citizens, volunteers and engagement of communities Limited engagement of citizens in planning and shared risk reduction Need to give greater priority to volunteers, including insurance cover Need for targeted training, education and capacity-building for at-risk groups.
Role of Traditional Leaders No mention of traditional leaders and role they play in their communities No mention of indigenous knowledge and its role in disaster management
Centres cf Structures Requirement for centres at all levels, but, capacities of prov/local authorities to staff these centres funding does not currently exist for expansion of local dm centres lack of clarity as to how these centres would operate/be organised
Definitions ‘ Disaster’ ? Specify types of events that the Bill handles Need to rework many definitions and include others for clarity