CCSDS Meeting CNES Report, 05/12/2004 CNES 1 CCSDS - MOIMS Area Information Packaging and Registry WG CNES Report on activity November April 2005 Athens meeting - April 2005 Arnaud LUCAS CNES:
CCSDS Meeting CNES Report, 05/12/2004 CNES 2 Projects activity on data description DEBAT - BEST workshop : validation phase support in discussion between CNES and CS PHARAO : Interface documents automatically generated by SCRIBE TM/TC described with EAST, used through the EAST APIs ATV control center : EAST description for telemetry. ODISSE R&T - TM/TC monitoring & control UML description of a global system and dynamic behavior description Code generation EAST use for data description
CCSDS Meeting CNES Report, 05/12/2004 CNES 3 XFDU Schedule XFDU prototype development by GAEL CONSULTANT Specification v april 2005 First release v june 2005 Final release v november 2005
CCSDS Meeting CNES Report, 05/12/2004 CNES 4 Data description tools activity Configuration management of EAST/DEDSL descriptions : ALADIN compares either two DEDSL files or two XML Schemas ALADIN tool used on PLEIADES SCRIBE tool : generic documentation generator from the XML DEDSL and W3C Schema XML data generator: to generate simulation data according to an existing XML schema