52 NAWQA Study Areas
Occurrence in Water Streams Shallow Ground Water Streams Major Aquifers Percentage of Samples with Detections Land use Agricultural Urban Undeveloped Mixed
Common Pesticides in Streams Atrazine Metolachlor Cyanazine Simazine Prometon Tebuthiuron Diazinon Chlorpyrifos Carbaryl UrbanAgricultural Percentage of Samples with Detections
Organochlorines in Fish and Bed Sediment Fish Sediment Fish Sediment Percentage of Samples with Detections Land use Agricultural Urban Undeveloped Mixed
Common Organochlorine Compounds in Fish Tissue UrbanAgricultural Percentage of Samples with Detections DDT Chlordane Dieldrin
Measured Atrazine in Streams
Prediction of Atrazine in Streams
Trends in Corn-Belt Herbicides Cyanazine Alachlor Acetochlor Herbicide Use Stream Concentrations
Frequency of Mixtures 2 Number of Pesticides in Sample Percentage of Samples with Equal or Greater Number % have 5 or more 25% have 10 or more
Potential to Affect Humans Streams Ground Water Streams Major Aquifers Percentage of Sites Exceeding Benchmarks Agricultural Urban Undeveloped Mixed
Potential to Affect Aquatic Life Water Bed Sediment Water Bed Sediment Percentage of Sites Exceeding Benchmarks Agricultural Urban Undeveloped Mixed
Pesticides with Exceedances of Aquatic-Life Benchmarks Diazinon Chlorpyrifos Azinphos-Methyl Percentage of Sites Exceeding Benchmarks Agriculture Urban Pesticides with Exceedances (57% Sites) 10 Pesticides with Exceedances (83% Sites)
Trends in Urban Streams Sampling Period Percentage of Sites ChlorpyrifosMalathionDiazinon
Potential to Affect Wildlife Percentage of Sites Exceeding Benchmarks Organochlorines In Whole Fish Agricultural Urban Undeveloped Mixed
Declining DDT in Fish Concentration Median DDT Wildlife Benchmark