TIME PERIOD 1880s – 1890s KEY IDEAS Reaction against ephemeral qualities of Impressionism. Interested in line, pattern, form, and color. Introduction of expressive color, science of color.
VINCENT VAN GOGH, The Night Café, Oil on canvas, 2’4” x 3’.
VINCENT VAN GOGH, The Starry Night, Oil on canvas, 2’5” x 3’.
PAUL GAUGUIN, Vision After the Sermon, Oil on canvas.
PAUL GAUGUIN, Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?, Oil on canvas, 4’7” x 12’3”.
GEORGES SEURAT, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, Oil on canvas, 6’ 9” x 9’10”.
PAUL CÉZANNE, Mont Sainte-Victoire, Oil on canvas, 2’4” x 2’11”.
PAUL CÉZANNE, The Basket of Apples, c Oil on canvas, 2’4” x 2’7”.