Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary Swiss – Hungarian Cooperation Programme Rules and Procedures Information Days, May 2008 Miskolc.


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Presentation transcript:

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary Swiss – Hungarian Cooperation Programme Rules and Procedures Information Days, May 2008 Miskolc - Debrecen

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary 2-Loop approach Selection procedures Reporting and audit The Presentation will cover the…

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary 1st loop: Project Outline (approx. 5 pages) 2nd loop: Final Project Proposal (up to 20 pages + annexes) I. 2-Loop Approach

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary The Project Outline 1. General Information 5. Project organization 2. Applicant6. Budget 3. Relevance7. Horizontal issues 4. Project content8. Maturity of project

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary Under NFÜ’s overall responsibility: Calls open for consultation Call for proposal with eligibility criteria Formal check Content check: Project appraisal Decision: Projects to be send to Switzerland (Committee(s)) II. Selection Procedures

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary Call open for consultation: 1-2 weeks Call open for applicants: 1-2 months Decision by NFÜ: 1-3 months Decision by Swiss side: 1-3 months Elaboration of Final Project Proposal: approx. 3 months Second loop starts… Time Frame

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary MoU Bilateral Framework Agreement Project Agreements Supply and services contracts EU Swiss Federal Council Hungary Swiss Federal Council Switzerland (SDC or SECO) Executing Agency Suppliers Legal Framework Hungary (NFÜ) Implementation Agreement NFÜ Executing Agency

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary III. Reporting and Audit The Executing Agency has to deliver: Interim reports Annual project reports Project completion reports

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary Audit At the completion of each project a financial audit is required In addition, for projects lasting longer than 2 years an interim audit is required

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary Further Information (the englisch version of this presentation will be available) (general website) (coming soon) Newsletter: Will be coming later this year - we have your contacts!

Embassy of Switzerland Swiss Contribution Office Hungary Contact Liliana de Sá Kirchknopf Head of the Swiss Contribution Office in Budapest Swiss Embassy