Doris Daou Director for Communications and Outreach NASA Lunar Science Institute Wednesday May 26 th, 2010 American Astronomical Society
National Program Committee: Doris Daou (NASA Lunar Science Institute –- Ames Research Centre) Brooke Hsu (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter –- Goddard Space Flight Center) Lora Bleacher (NASA Lunar Science Institute/DREAM –- Goddard Space Flight Center) Brian Day (LADEE –- Ames Research Centre) Andrea Jones (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter –- Goddard Space Flight Center) Brian Mitchell (Lunar Quest –- Marshall Space Flight Center) Andrew Shaner (NLSI -- Lunar and Planetary Institute) Stephanie Shipp (NLSI –- Lunar and Planetary Institute)
National Program Partners: Lunar and Planetary Institute The Astronomical Society of the Pacific; The Mauna Kea Observatories Outreach Committee; The Astronomers without Borders Group
International Programs and Partners: The Astronomers without Borders International Volunteers The Gemini Observatory in Chile The Canadian Lunar Research Network (NLSI Node) European Planetary Science Conference (2010 LOC Rome) The Canadian IYA Committee (possibly CASCA) Greece
Lunar scientists and education specialists, amateur astronomers, community members, general public Lunar Photography contest Tweet-ups – Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA – Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD – Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX – Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
Website The website Content: General info about InOMN Information about local InOMN events Moon info and activities Event-hosting tips InOMN kits Links to contests and social media InOMN merchandise A one-stop-shop for all things InOMN!
Professional Development We will prepare InOMN partners, event planners, and educators for hosting their own events: Workshops for formal educators Possible workshops for InOMN hosts, provided by partner institutions Online and telecon-based PD for informal educators, nation-wide organizations, and NASA centers
How to Host an Event in 5 Easy Steps 1. Consider your audience and setting. A. WHO: Who would you like to come to your event? (Students? Teachers? Families? Amateur Clubs? Neighbors?) B. WHERE: Where will you host your event? (Science Centre, School, Your Own backyard? Sports Field, Town Hall? You may want to turn some lights off!) C. HOW! GET HELP Who will be assisting you with your program? Are there amateur astronomers in your community?
How to Host an Event in 5 Easy Steps 2. WHAT: Download InOMN Kits 3. Advertise! 4. Host and have fun! 5. Evaluate! (-You can just count how many people and us. - Ask them questions - Take Comments, Any Comments and let us know)
Example InOMN Event Overview of Your InOMN and Observing the Moon with Telescopes Telescope Viewing Lunar Talk by a Local Expert Hands-On Activities Tweetup Refreshments Evaluations
SEPTEMBER 18 th, 2010 Keep it Going every Year!