Biology Chapter 2.1 Organisms and Their Environment
2.1 Organisms and Their Environment Ecology- study of organisms and their environment Biosphere – high in atmosphere to bottom of ocean Provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and ORBIMAGE.SeaWiFSNASAGoddard Space Flight CenterORBIMAGE
2.1 Organisms and Their Environment Biotic Factors = Living Abiotic Factors = Nonliving
2.1 Organisms and Their Environment Levels of Organization Individual Population Biological community Ecosystem
2.1 Organisms and Their Environment Habitat – where an organism lives Can be changed by natural causes or humans
2.1 Organisms and Their Environment Niche- a position a species has in its environment No two sp. Can exist in the same niche in the same place at the same time One will gain control over resources The other must adapt, move elsewhere, or go extinct.
2.1 Organisms and Their Environment
2.1 Organisms and Their Environment Survival Relationships Predator / Prey Relationship
2.1 Organisms and Their Environment Survival Relationships Symbiotic Relationships Commensalism Remora/Shark Barnacles on whales Mutualism Bacteria in lg intestines The Nile crocodile and the Egyptian plover N-Fixing Bacteria and plants Parasitism Tapeworms Fleas, Lice Mistletoe