Napoleon’s Domestic Policy
Napoleon used his influence to end civil strife and create order. He did this by: Establishing The Civil Code of 1804 which reestablished the principles of: Equality of all citizens before the law Absolute security of wealth and private property Women were declared to have no political rights with a legal status of dependents (could not sign contracts, buy or sell, have bank accounts in own name)
Defending the economic status quo, which: Gained the support of many peasants who now owned lands seized from the church and nobility Reassured the middle class which was worried about losing wealth in a continuing revolution
Creating a highly centralized state with his appointees: Who were often repatriated émigrés who were given amnesty and high posts in the new government structures.
Signing the Concordat of 1801 with the Church. Through this he achieved: A healing of the religious divisions A united Catholic Church to serve as another means of providing order and peace The right to nominate bishops, pay the clergy, and exert influence over the Church
Napoleon used his dictatorial power to maintain order. He did this by: Creating a police state in France in which: Free speech and freedom of the press were continually ignored An efficient spy system was organized which kept many under continuous surveillance People who were considered subversive were detained, placed under house arrest and even consigned to insane asylums.
Creating an imperial state which stimulated patriotism: Through a sense of brotherhood in carrying the revolution Through success and glory in war Through the feeling that France represented the new wave of the future
Napoleon’s actions impacted on France, and through his military adventures, Europe. His legacy is reflected in institutional reforms such as the Civil Code, in France.
Lessons from the French Revolution Those who have lost power, wealth, and prestige in a revolution will be prepared to use violence to regain their social position.
Lessons from the French Revolution It is difficult to replace a traditional system which has been destroyed by a revolution with a new system which will be acceptable to a majority of people.
Lessons from the French Revolution Those who are attempting to impose a new social contract on society will be tempted to use whatever means at their disposal to be successful.
Lessons from the French Revolution The beliefs of those who attempt to govern need to be in some kind of accord with those who are being governed.
Lessons from the French Revolution Basic cultural values of society change more slowly than the radical revolutionaries would like.
Lessons from the French Revolution Political revolution alone will not solve the problems of scarcity: unless there is economic change, the needs and wants of the population will outstrip the ability of the society to produce the necessary goods and services.
Lessons from the French Revolution The fundamental class divisions that existed prior to the revolution would not have been changed by the revolution.
Lessons from the French Revolution Individuals, groups, communities, and nations accept the authority of traditional values if the advantages seem to outweigh the disadvantages.
Lessons from the French Revolution A dictatorship which gains power through a coup d’etat must take action to consolidate the hold on power.
Lessons from the French Revolution A dictatorship will attempt to justify and maintain a power base by conciliating the significant power bases in the society (control of numbers, control of resources, control of organizations).
Lessons from the French Revolution Dictatorships will attempt to maintain power through a combination of force and influence.
Lessons from the French Revolution Complex societies require a delicate balance between freedom and order.